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Last Post 12/20/2014 1:24 AM by  WarZ
Trivia / Consistency Questions
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12/20/2014 1:22 AM

    So far I've read books 1-87 over the last couple years.  There are actually quite a few questions I've built up along the way.  I'm sure other readers have quite a few of their own as well.  I've read various threads on different topics up to this point and have some answers to some of them.

     A set of answers that I've found most illuminating is that the books are written by a "rotating cast" of authors, who often dont get to read the previous book before starting and submitting the one they are working on, and are sometimes published out of order of original intention.  This explains why the books are ALL OVER the place in terms of consistency and character behavior past book 33.  So I've been rolling with inconsistency and not being too insulted by it.

     But ...  I still have a few questions about little tidbits of trivia and some changes that I simply can't remember where they occurred.  And I'd love to find out some of the answers.  So the goal of this thread for those interested in participating is to dig around in those questions that have been bugging us and we'd like to have answered.

    One of mine:

    As I remember Doc started the books off with a gun powder civil war era LeMat.  In one book while fleeing something, it was dropped in a stream or creek, and was lost to him.  He then got a more modern cartridge firing remake of the LeMat.  A Jeb Stuart, gold plated, cartridge firing, modern remake of the the old LeMat ?

     However over the last 20-30 books I've been reading he's been using his old black powder version.  How did he lose the newer cartridge firing LeMat ?  The authors have made numerous references to the ordeal / weakness of using the old black powder LeMat when he could / should be using a more modern firing weapon.  I simply do not remember when / if he actually lost the new one and returned to the old black powder version.  Or if it was just a failed pickup by one of the authors that filtered into the series ???

     Who knows / remembers ?  This has been bugging me for a LONG time now. 

     As I think of other questions about the series I'll drop them in here. 

     Thank you for any replies.

    Edit:  I went digging and found it was book 20, Cold Asylum where he gained the Jeb Stuart LeMat.  The description implied to me that it was a more modern non black powder weapon.  But it wasnt specifically stated in that book.  I feel positive that when I was reading the books after that, that it was noted that it wasnt black powder.  However I could be wrong.  I will have a lot of re-reading to do to finally know, unless someone knows the specific books / pages where its definitively pointed out either way.
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    12/20/2014 1:24 AM
    In the spirit my post, I'd like to provide a piece of trivia that might help as well:

     I once saw poster "AP" which I believe was one of the authors Alan Philipson post this question (back in 2009), which in the end didn't get answered:

    "Someone on this board awhile back also said stickies couldn't be killed with a blade.  (If they are cut--or shot, do they not bleed?  And if they bleed, why wouldn't they BLEED OUT?)  Did LJ ever describe or explain this remarkable physiology?  Just curious ..."

     I remember this answer from the early books.  Basically sticky blood was a very viscous, sticky, VERY fast congealing substance.  So when they are shot, as soon as the blood hit the air, the blood congealed into a very sticky substance and bleeding stopped immediately (the blood was black colored I think ?).  So sticky, that if you hacked them with an axe, stabbed them with a knife, ran them through with a sword, etc, etc, that your weapon would become stuck in the wound before you could withdraw it.  So fighting stickies with a bladed weapon was EXTREMELY tricky.  You lost your weapon stuck in their body after the first deep hit.  You would have to cause extensive amounts of trauma to finally put one down.  LOTS and LOTS of bullets, massively blunt trauma, etc.  So the easiest way to fight them was take the head / brain.  Otherwise they just kept on coming.  They got in close quickly, and most norms were done for at that point.

     Thats why early on they were such incredibly dangerous muties.  One of the absolute worst to fight.  Why everyone feared them.
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