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Last Post 1/12/2015 4:59 PM by  Randarchist
Deathlands celebrity Deathmatch
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Basic Member
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1/12/2015 11:14 AM
    Okay, suppose you could pick a six celebrity team to survive with in the Deathlands, who would be your best pick and why?

    For me:
    6. Lady Gaga -she might not, or might, be usefull in a heavy fire fight. But she could make cool post-apocalyptic clothes for everyone else.

    5. Chris Hemsworth -Dude is a bad ass, pro wrestler, action star, actually has a sense of humor about himself which goes a long way in a survival situation.

    4. Less Stroud -The guy is Survivorman, for goodness sakes, he can find food anywhere and can turn just about anything into a tool or weapon.

    3. Joan Jett - not afraid to fight, knows a ton of awesome songs (her and Gaga would play off each other well) and doesn't require a lot to eat, seriously tiny woman but wouldn't want to piss her off.

    2. Neil Degrasse Tyson -because you gotta have a guy who knows his science, and he is funny as hell.

    1. Lemmy -yes, The Lemmy. Aside from being the front man for the most bad ass band ever (Motorhead), Lemmy is a true survivor, he was surviving poisonous levels of everything longer than most people I know were even alive, Deathlands will be a walk in the park for him.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/12/2015 3:44 PM
    Justin Bieber, Sean Penn, Kanye West, James Corden and the Celtic F.C starting 11.

    Because anybody that ends up tagging along with the gang doesn't normally survive.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/12/2015 3:54 PM
    Silent, that is hilarious!

    But I meant people who you would want to survive with. Lol
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/12/2015 4:30 PM
    Ha ha my bad. Let's see, Audie Murphy, Lee Marvin, Billy Connolly, Mike Tyson and Michonne from the Walking Dead.
    And my last one isn't a celebrity but he was a kickass old British soldier by the name of Jack "Mad Jack" Churchill.
    Seriously Google him.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/12/2015 4:59 PM
    Nice! That's a kill team for sure.
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