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Last Post 4/14/2009 9:48 AM by  JettaManDan
Alan Philipson says Hello
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Ron Miles
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4/13/2009 12:30 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 13 Apr 2009 12:14 PM
I have now read the 1st champter of SR and i was intrigued....a little tie in possibly to your other works?....very cool....

To be perfectly clear:  Slaughter Realms is a completely distinct and separate entity, with no relation to Gold Eagle in any way.  All content in Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance comes purely from the mind of Daniel Desipio, with the welcome assistance of Alan Philipson in helping to turn a severely damaged manuscript into something printable.  There is not even the slightest hint of a possibility of a tie in from SR: IV to Deathlands.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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4/13/2009 1:28 PM
Posted By Ron Miles on 13 Apr 2009 12:30 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 13 Apr 2009 12:14 PM
I have now read the 1st champter of SR and i was intrigued....a little tie in possibly to your other works?....very cool....

To be perfectly clear:  Slaughter Realms is a completely distinct and separate entity, with no relation to Gold Eagle in any way.  All content in Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance comes purely from the mind of Daniel Desipio, with the welcome assistance of Alan Philipson in helping to turn a severely damaged manuscript into something printable.  There is not even the slightest hint of a possibility of a tie in from SR: IV to Deathlands.

To further clarify the absolute lack of connection between SR and GE:

Daniel Desipio does not appear as a character in the book Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance, or any other book in the SR series. Though Ron and I have reason to suspect he is the author of a particular, "lost SR manuscript," it is entirely possible that after writing 29 books he farmed out the work to a hack even more desperate than he was—and from the looks of some of the prose, possibly a person to whom English was a very shaky Second Language. (Look up the meaning of the word “desipio” in Latin.  )

None of the DL central characters (the companions, barons, muties, etc.) appear in or are referred to in any SR book.

None of the key elements of the DL saga/backstory are present in SR. (It’s a different sort of Apocalypse: different causative factors, different outcomes.)

The SR series concept and its characters are unique and distinct. They were not developed in a meaningful way in any GE book, did not exist anywhere in a copyrightable or trademarkable form until April 1st, 2009, and are wholly owned (for better or worse) by the Pulp Devil Press.

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4/13/2009 4:49 PM
Oh i wasn't saying anything of the sort...i just saw an interesting side-tie-in - aliens....time trawling..etc...all good parts to use...i can see they stories are very divergent and not replated at all...wasn't implying that..but some of the best concepts can be used for a different stories..and i enjoyed that for sure..that is all :-)
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4/13/2009 5:44 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 13 Apr 2009 04:49 PM
Oh i wasn't saying anything of the sort...i just saw an interesting side-tie-in - aliens....time trawling..etc...all good parts to use...i can see they stories are very divergent and not replated at all...wasn't implying that..but some of the best concepts can be used for a different stories..and i enjoyed that for sure..that is all :-)
Didn't mean to go Medieval on your backside. But stuff needed to be said (at least twice, apparently ), and you were so gracious as to give Ron and me the chance to let fly. 

You're right, nobody "owns" the concepts of time travel, aliens, hot chicks with edged weapons, or "brains in a jar" (Thinking of "Abby Normal" in Young Frankenstein, and the various "disembodied brain goes wild" B-movies of the late 50s and 60s.).  Good thing, too. Otherwise what would pulp authors write about?  Healthcare system reform?

Ron Miles
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4/13/2009 5:52 PM
Posted By AP on 13 Apr 2009 05:44 PM
Good thing, too. Otherwise what would pulp authors write about?  Healthcare system reform?

Coming this winter at - Slaughter Realms: Prorated Debenture Investment Vehicle of Doom!

"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Cerberus Man
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4/13/2009 6:07 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 13 Apr 2009 04:49 PM
Oh i wasn't saying anything of the sort...i just saw an interesting side-tie-in - aliens....time trawling..etc...all good parts to use...i can see they stories are very divergent and not replated at all...wasn't implying that..but some of the best concepts can be used for a different stories..and i enjoyed that for sure..that is all :-)

Sound like a pretty traditional Outlanders book to me.
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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4/13/2009 6:55 PM
Posted By Cerberus Man on 13 Apr 2009 06:07 PM
Posted By JettaManDan on 13 Apr 2009 04:49 PM
Oh i wasn't saying anything of the sort...i just saw an interesting side-tie-in - aliens....time trawling..etc...all good parts to use...i can see they stories are very divergent and not replated at all...wasn't implying that..but some of the best concepts can be used for a different stories..and i enjoyed that for sure..that is all :-)

Sound like a pretty traditional Outlanders book to me.
Yeah, that's what I'm all about: poaching a colleague's series. Give me an effing break.

Cerberus Man
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4/14/2009 1:08 AM

That's not what I meant at all. I was responding only to Jettaman's comment about aliens and time-trawling which are elements that veteran members of this site associate with Outlanders.

I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. I was by no means implying you poached from OL or anything else.

"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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4/14/2009 9:38 AM
Posted By Cerberus Man on 14 Apr 2009 01:08 AM

That's not what I meant at all. I was responding only to Jettaman's comment about aliens and time-trawling which are elements that veteran members of this site associate with Outlanders.

I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. I was by no means implying you poached from OL or anything else.

Apology accepted.
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4/14/2009 9:48 AM
wow..didn't mean to set off a fire storm! i don't think aliens or time travel are a specific concept to OL or any other book or movie or show....hell i can't read a SciFi book without mention of those 2 idea pretty much! I like it...makes me feel warm and fuzzy...heck i'm trying to write my own book and theire will be aliens in it as well! Go aliens!! Especially when they are super yummy like 7 of 9 ;-) of the things i have enjoyed the most about OL and DL and EB and all the rest are the orginality of all the concepts, and human history twists and turns that have been presented....the seres have kept me interested for 15 years...i mean what better recommendation can i give than that? I own every book in all 3 series...and i usually read other books and give them to friends or donate them to a library...i will never give these books up....they are part of my life in a few ways....good ways!

Now Alan..back to work on chaper # 2 for SR!!! :-)
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