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Last Post 9/12/2009 4:15 AM by  Diablo
I Just Struck Gold!
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8/27/2009 4:32 PM
    Because of this website I have started reading the series in order from number one up.  I only intended to read the original 33 and the ones that got decent reviews. 

    Yesterday I was at the used book store and the owner was putting stacks of DL books in the 50 cent bin because she said she was given boxes of them for free and she'd never be able to sell them.

    I picked up $20 worth and am now only missing the 7 that come right before Plauge Lords.  At least my book shelf has more color to it now.

    In my "Man Cave" I have the walls lined with bookshelves and my military awards.  I mostly only keep hardcovers of really good books like Steinbeck, S King, Clancy, Twain, and the classics etcc.  I have one gigantic shelf that has nothing but GE books on it.  I have all the OL and 300 + Bolan books.  I have been suckered by GE but it's a pretty fun guilty pleasure. It sure makes for some strange looks from people that enter my "Cave".
    Published Author
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    8/27/2009 5:05 PM


    Speaking of "striking gold," check out the price of a used copy of Dark Resurrection on Amazon.

    Dark Resurrection (Deathlands: Empire of Xibalba) (Mass Market Paperback) by James Axler James Axler (Author) › Visit Amazon's James Axler Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author) 5 Reviews 5 star: (5) 4 star: (0) 3 star: (0) 2 star: (0) 1 star: (0) › See all 5 customer reviews... › See all discussions... 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (5 customer reviews) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Available from these sellers. 1 used from $999.99

    Has the world gone stark raving mad?!!! 

    The title sold out of print at the Harlequin warehouse by June--I know because I tried to buy some copies using my "author discount," and there weren't any more. 

    I do have three new copies that I will sell for the bargain basement price of $800 each.



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    8/27/2009 5:07 PM
    Err, make that $850 each.  To cover the postage and insurance.
    Bury The Sun
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    8/27/2009 5:07 PM
    lol... my man cave is a small corner of our apartment that my wife no longer cleans or looks at... my bookshelves are actually just stacks on stacks of books in no particular order, seriously, it looks like Dr. Seuss cover art in that freakin corner lol... imagine the looks I get man! Back on topic though, I actually found my first couple DL books in the local thrift (I'm good friends with the owner) and now he holds all the copies he gets in reserve for me... sadly, nobody seems to be trading them as of about a year ago... *muttering incoherently*

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    New Member
    New Member

    8/27/2009 5:53 PM
    I'm getting ready to sell my entire book collection either on ebay or at a lawn sale this weekend.  I got about a thousand books or so all boxed up.  I am also trying to dump my GA audio books on ebay but those i wont let go for cents on the

    I used to have a man cave but the kids took it over and boxed my clubs and bones and other gnawed on collectibles.  I guess its time to give the rest up...

    New Member
    New Member

    8/27/2009 6:34 PM
    I've only had the cave for a few months. The step daughter moved out so I got permission from the boss to use it. Her reasoning was that she could close the door and not see my mess.
    I even have a small reefer in there for my libations. I wish there was room for a toilet but that might be asking too much.

    I know I got a hell of a deal on these books. I was having a hard time finding Red Equinox for under $10. Maybe if things keep going the way they are I can sell the whole collection to send a future grandkid through college.
    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    8/27/2009 6:38 PM
    I dunno. I have the whole collection, and aside from sentimental value I fear that it's eventual worth will be using it for toilet paper after the alien zombie overlords take over the world.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Bury The Sun
    New Member
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    8/27/2009 6:41 PM
    wait... now the zombies are aliens? and overlords?!?! we are so screwed...

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    New Member
    New Member

    8/27/2009 8:40 PM
    I dunno. I have the whole collection, and aside from sentimental value I fear that it's eventual worth will be using it for toilet paper after the alien zombie overlords take over the world.

    Well, maybe I can at least get a semester at a small community college out of them.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/12/2009 4:15 AM
    Your post made me lol Chair.I feel ya on the "boss" thing.But I will tell ya this,anything like a complete set of books you can pass down to your grandkid will pay off.I have my set sealed for my grandchild.These are good books for the most part.I just wish ppl would look past some mistakes and let it flow.
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