Posted By kgreene on 28 May 2011 01:03 AM
The last newsletter suggested discussing ideas for the 100th book celebration.
One thing I'd love to see would be an art book with all the covers from the series (without the titles over the top of course).
One other that I'd especially like to see is the image in the middle of the first book with Ryan, Krysty, and JB in the redoubt. I always remembered liking that picture when the book first came out. You can see a corrupted version of it in the archive on the site here.
Alternately maybe they could release all of them online... :-)
With book 100 only a few scant months away the chances of GE doing anything for book 100 -other than bring back Dean, are slimmer than Mary Kate Olsen

Art books, Illustrated guides, chronologies etc. have been talked of here many times here (and on previous board incarnations) over the years and have never come to anthing. Bottom line is GE are not interested, if it ain't Rogue Angel they are not interested in pushing it.
Several of the DL covers have been sold as original prints over the years so I doubt we will ever see a collection of covers in print.
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
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