redbeard New Member Posts:3  
6/23/2011 8:44 PM |
I know I'm not the only one who noticed this, but, there are a lot of crossovers from The Dark Tower books in Deathlands. Especially in #5 Homeward Bound. When the companions are in the war wag they pass by Roland standing alongside the road. Ryan's nephew Nathan Freeman borrows his name from the young man who took Odetta Holmes to the prom. There are many more instances of this and every time I read or hear one i get a charge of excitement! What have any of you other readers noticed?
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
6/27/2011 5:32 PM |
Laurence James (who wrote some of the first the next 32 (and 1 other) Deathlands books) used to put many "tips of the hat" to various writers, actors, friends etc. in his books. They are scattered throughout and many are passed by only being recognised by those who know or need to konw. Some of his characters are rewrites on one he used in his many western novels -Jak for example who is based on a character called "Whitey" hence Jak hating being called that. Harry Stanton -king of the underworld (Seedling) is named after Laurences favorite actor Harry Dean Stanton and he also has a connection to Ryans Son. Harry Dean Stanton's character in Alien "Brett" is how LJ saw Trader in his head when he created him. I could go on and on... So its not just Stephen King he is paying homage to in the books. Of course after book 33 that all came to an end when other writers took over. Book 44 -LJ's last has a character in there based on someone only I know.
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
ShadowTek Basic Member Posts:163  
8/29/2011 8:13 AM |
Yes Ive noticed that as well (though I didnt make the Roland connection til you pointed it out) but in one of the books he mentions gypsies casting a "Thinner" curse on a "Steven King"  Dont remember which book though.
ShadowTek Basic Member Posts:163  
10/1/2011 8:00 PM |
Ok, not sure if mentioned, or has anything to do with this topic as I have listened to the audio version, its been a LONG time..
anyway, I wonder if these fit in.. if not if someone knows please elaborate..
all references are in first 33 books, dont know which ones..
1. Ok in one of the books. theres a little girl that is dancing in the snow, the war wags just avoid hitting her, she is dancing in the snow, bare foot, shes a pre-teen, or young teen, she does brilliant dance stuff.. its totally random.. seedling I think is book, but could be wrong..
2. in one of the books, theres a horse and rider that scare the shit out of everyone.. it seemed to have the feel of this topic..
ShadowTek Basic Member Posts:163  
10/8/2011 1:56 PM |
anyone know the questions I posted above? I know they had to be some sort of add-in.. due to that way the scenes were described..
Harry Whittleberry 2 Basic Member Posts:116  
10/11/2011 4:58 AM |
matbe baz will now the answer but hasnt seen your post here yet. i hope he does now as the kid in the snow is strange to me to
silentalbino Advanced Member Posts:742  
10/11/2011 7:13 AM |
I believe the horse and rider are from playfair axiom? Not 100% though.
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
10/11/2011 12:22 PM |
Posted By silentalbino on 11 Oct 2011 07:13 AM
I believe the horse and rider are from playfair axiom? Not 100% though.
Oh well, that will be some VM nonesense then and nothing with any serious background !!
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
10/11/2011 12:23 PM |
Posted By Harry Whittleberry 2 on 11 Oct 2011 04:58 AM
matbe baz will now the answer but hasnt seen your post here yet. i hope he does now as the kid in the snow is strange to me to
Sorry, the girl passed me by and I never asked about it. As for the Horse and Rider see my previous post. Jim
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
Kerrick Basic Member Posts:322  
10/18/2011 1:24 PM |
I don't recall the scene with the girl in the snow... it might well be Seedling, since that's one of the few times snow is ever mentioned in the books. As for the horse/rider - yeah, I think you're thinking of Playfair's Axiom. I don't think it's a reference to anything, just some random thing Milan threw in (though I'd like to see if he expands on it - it's really intriguing).
ShadowTek Basic Member Posts:163  
10/21/2011 4:31 PM |
Yes its in Seedling, when I get a chance, I'll quote the entire passage (I'm to buzzed right now to do that) as it will take a bit as I have to listen, hit pause and type, listen, hit pause and type.. etc.. but it defiantly sounded like something unique graped maybe from something..