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Last Post 9/24/2011 11:28 AM by  ShadowTek
A few questions
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8/29/2011 8:49 AM
    In one of the first books it seems that Ryan and group end up mat-transing to the space station, it was one of the dreaded triple jumps, that actually seems like it would be a cool storyline for them to go there, do they ever actually explore the space station in any of the books? If so what book number is it? 

    The truckstops seem to carry all the Deathlands GA books (In the US) though you have to check each one to find them all so eventually I hope to get them all ($20 each so will take awhile, Im trying to get 2-4 a week) Does anyone else here go the Graphic Audio route or most have the actual books?

    It seem that after book 33, there are only a few long series, (ie more then one book with the same storyline) How many of them are there?

    Does anyone like dean? Ive only listened to one book with him (21) not sure I like him and may agree with many on the net about him being annoying. But that could have just been that book (Jak is my favorite char so far outside of Ryan, but he wasnt in book 21)

    Anyway thanks!
    Ron Miles
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    8/29/2011 9:04 AM they ever actually explore the space station in any of the books?

    That space station features prominently in one of the early Outlanders books, but to date I don't recall the companions in Deathlands ever returning there.

    How many (long series) are there?

    The Baronies Trilogy (books 46-48)
    The Skydark Chronicles (books 53-55)
    The Illuminated Ones (books 59-60)
    Altered States (books 71-72)
    The Coldfire Project (books 75-76)
    Empire of Xibalba (books 84-85)

    There is also a loose trilogy of books spread out over several years: Shadow World (book 49), Breakthrough (book 57), and Doom Helix (book 94).

    The only other close thing I can think of is the direct crossover between Deathlands: Shaking Earth (book 68) and Outlanders: Sun Lord.

    Does anyone like dean?

    He's annoying as a child. He's awesome in Prodigal's Return (book 100).
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    8/29/2011 9:13 AM
    Thanks Ron, I'll write down all those book numbers so I can get them after I have 1-33, (and so I can be sure to have all in each mini series before I listen to them) thats cool that theres a Deathlands and Outlanders crossover, as Outlanders GA books are also at all the truckstops, Ill probably get into that series as well as its 100 years after Deathlands!
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    9/16/2011 7:41 PM
    Two more questions if you dont mind..

    Do they ever figure out the gates? Or get say a home base gate? (That would be kinda cool) Did I ask this already somewhere lol (I remember reading here on a Cerberus gate or something)

    After book 33, as theres different authors, does that mean that nobody new ever joins? (at least for a little while?) Or is it solidly Ryan, Cristy, Doc, Mildrid, JB, Jak and the kid Dean?
    Ron Miles
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    9/17/2011 7:29 AM
    There have been no new lead characters added to the series since then, no. (You left out Doc, he's still there.) Dean left the series at the end of Separation, and although he reappeared in Prodigal's Return he again departed the companions at the end of the book. I gather he may possibly return as a permanent lead character in the future, but that hasn't happened yet.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    9/20/2011 7:38 PM
    Thats kind of a bummer, but not a biggie, the series is so good chr changing is not needed, but it was kinda cool in the first 33 GA books I have (minus a few)
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    9/20/2011 8:44 PM
    The Cerberus Redoubt is central to the OL series; the DL group is constantly on the move, searching for someplace to settle down. You can check the wiki for all the characters who have joined (and left) the group at various points.

    And no, they never "figured out" the gates. At one point, they have an encrypted CD that supposedly has locations for all the gates, but they never crack the code. They do know a few things from Doc, like the LD code (all this info is on the Gates page of the wiki, BTW). Every time they step into a gate, it's a crapshoot as to where they end up.
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    9/20/2011 8:54 PM
    Ok thanks Kerrick, how badass in that Cerberus Redoubt? just curious as it could have been cool if ryan and co found it, I imagine its badass, like fully stocked for outlanders in there books? Does it have advanced weapons and stuff? I know its outlanders and DL is different, but technically as there the same, Im curious of the outlander Cerberus Redoubt info.
    Ron Miles
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    9/21/2011 6:32 AM
    Cerberus Redoubt is actually the very first redoubt that the group encounters in Pilgrimage to Hell. The reason it is so central to Outlanders, though, is that for decades before the start of OL one of the main characters (Lakesh) had been secretly stocking up the redoubt in order to prepare for a revolution against the barons. So at the time that Ryan & co. encounter it in Pilgrimage it is not as well stocked or as operational as it is in OL.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    9/24/2011 11:28 AM
    Ahh ok, thanks Ron, that name rang a bell as one of the secret groups that Doc talks about so thought it may have been a secret or advanced redought.
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