APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
9/22/2011 8:23 AM |
Posted By Chuck on 21 Sep 2011 10:07 PM I had the honor of equipping Ryan with the Steyr Scout tactical in the upcoming Hell Road Warriors. Hope you all enjoy the devastation that ensues . . .
Chuck, Looked on the net yesterday and couldn't find a date of first manufacture for the tactical variant of the Steyr Scout. The basic Scout was released for sale sometime in 1999 I think. Five models of the SBS Tactical (a different model, law enforcement sniper rifle) were introduced in April 2000. Do you have a link for the actual release date of the Scout Tactical? Are the photos of the Steyr Scout Tactical in the link above examples of pre-Nukecaust models? AP
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
9/22/2011 8:30 AM |
Posted By medic15al on 22 Sep 2011 06:11 AM Well, When Doc threw his original cap-n-ball LeMat into the river, it symbolyzed a big and bold change. Doc has been for some time now perusing cartridge revolvers as an advandage.
Guns and crew have changed during the series and it has been a while, so in order to not get stagnant new material must be cycled in from time-to-time.
I always enjoyed Doc's blackpowder obsession. It was a constant reminder of his "issues" over being dragged kicking and screaming into the future/refusal to accept the world he had been thrust into--a defining element of his character. Without it he's just another goon with a gun in Thrift Store duds. And if he's going to "upgrade" for technological reasons why in the world would he choose another WHEELGUN of unlikely-to-find caliber and no spare parts? But hey, not my problem anymore. To be honest, writing around other people's mental coprolites got old real quick. Plus, honor though it might have been, the pay sucked royal. 
Harry Whittleberry 2 Basic Member Posts:116  
9/22/2011 8:48 AM |
Posted By AP on 22 Sep 2011 08:30 AM ...why in the world would he choose another WHEELGUN of unlikely-to-find caliber and no spare parts?
No, its a hero gun, they never break and there is always ammo to be found for them.look at book 100, cop car 100+ years in the ruins full of all guns and ammo the group need in the trunk the first place you would look on a cop car. like that would be missed by scavs over the years and it does say the weels have been taken from it.
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
9/22/2011 9:15 AM |
Posted By Harry Whittleberry 2 on 22 Sep 2011 08:48 AM
Posted By AP on 22 Sep 2011 08:30 AM ...why in the world would he choose another WHEELGUN of unlikely-to-find caliber and no spare parts?
No, its a hero gun, they never break and there is always ammo to be found for them.look at book 100, cop car 100+ years in the ruins full of all guns and ammo the group need in the trunk the first place you would look on a cop car. like that would be missed by scavs over the years and it does say the weels have been taken from it.
HW2, If it's a MAGIC HERO GUN, then why bother to change it? That's what I mean by "mental coprolites." You could break a mental ankle trying to step around them.  Plus the blackpowder LeMat smoked like a chimney, always a crowd-pleaser. AP
ChuckPublished Author  New Member Posts:55  
9/22/2011 2:20 PM |
To answer a few of the previous questions: -When I suggested to GE there be some weapons fixes in the DL universe they were kind enough to let me start with Ryan, and if any of you out there have ever handled a Steyr Scout they are about as handy a rifle as you can imagine, and would be my first choice for roaming the wasteland. -Yes, the top middle photo a few posts back is the weapon Ryan is using. -Research on the exact date of the Steyr Scout tactical 's introduction is a bit sparse. There are manufacturer's photos of them dated 1999 but I could not find the date when they were released for sale in North America. (in 20/20 hindsight I should have just emailed Steyr and asked.) Without giving away too much of the plot, the weapon Ryan acquires in Hell Road Warriors was purchased by the Canadian government to re-equip their reactivated Diefenbunkers. I feel fairly certain that if in late 1999 early 2000 the Canadian military asked Steyr for a hundred Tactical Scouts, stat, and on the qt, Steyr would have gleefully gotten them their rifles. So, I stand by the 'realism' of Ryan having a Scout to shoulder. -I did most of my research on the rifle on this site. Scroll to the bottom and it will tell you almost everything you ever wanted to know about the concept. Cheers! Chuck
medic15al New Member Posts:22  
9/22/2011 2:32 PM |
They are indeed handy rifles, and accurate to boot!
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
9/22/2011 4:41 PM |
Chuck, Yeah, that was one of the sites I looked at.
Your rationale sounds perfectly logical. If anyone ever tries to call you on the facts, plead "Alternate Universe." It's always worked for me. (For example, in the DL-verse a "hammerless .38" actually has enough hammer to thumbcock.) AP
P.S.: Had GE given me the opportunity to rearm Ryan I would have gone for the SPTHASR Model 750,034 (Steam-Powered, Tactical, Hydrochloric Acid Squirt Rifle). Which is probably why my pleas always fell on deaf ears.
Harry Whittleberry 2 Basic Member Posts:116  
9/23/2011 2:07 AM |
Posted By Chuck on 22 Sep 2011 02:20 PM -When I suggested to GE there be some weapons fixes in the DL universe they were kind enough to let me start with Ryan... Chuck
does that mean the others will get new guns as well.
Kerrick Basic Member Posts:322  
9/23/2011 8:49 AM |
AP: Love that new weapon; I could see the folks from Shadow Earth using one. 
Harry: I believe someone did say that, yes.
I can't believe Doc threw his old gun into the river - it helped tie him to the past, a long-forgotten relic of a better time. Still, he has been considering it for some time (and getting a lot of flak from the others), so I suppose it was about time for him to bite the bullet (no pun intended) and get an upgrade.
medic15al New Member Posts:22  
9/23/2011 9:29 AM |
Posted By Kerrick on 23 Sep 2011 08:49 AM
AP: Love that new weapon; I could see the folks from Shadow Earth using one. 
Harry: I believe someone did say that, yes.
I can't believe Doc threw his old gun into the river - it helped tie him to the past, a long-forgotten relic of a better time. Still, he has been considering it for some time (and getting a lot of flak from the others), so I suppose it was about time for him to bite the bullet (no pun intended) and get an upgrade.
Also, not to mention that it symbolized him wanting to move on and give up on trying to find a way back. Lost hope, past cannot be helped so lets live on with what we have. That is the message that I received out of it.
ShadowTek Basic Member Posts:163  
9/24/2011 10:55 AM |
@ medic15al Thanks again for sharing your expertise again Wow Doc gets rid of his old weapon, thats surprising but change is good, a new member!! that is awesome!
ShadowTek Basic Member Posts:163  
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
9/25/2011 5:55 PM |
Medic15al, If Doc's past is taken away, who is he? Ryan's social secretary? If his obsession with the past is gone, the only direct connection to the world before the whitecoats took over is lost. Even more than Mildred, he's that link. His world still had a future; hers didn't. As such he serves a vital purpose in the series. Ryan and the other born-theres don't know any better; they can't really fathom what has been lost. Doc needs his rage.
Having him give up and sell out to modernity is like shooting the series in the heart. Not that I'd expect better than that from GE. They really don't have a clue. Never have had a clue, even though the faces change. And if there's a way to eff things up royal, they will surely find it. AP
medic15al New Member Posts:22  
9/25/2011 7:10 PM |
I agree. Doc's past is who he is, and in turn gives him a hope to go on thru what life he has. He still has an icon in his LeMat, but also looks more torwards the future with the modern replica's advantages over the cap-n-ball original. I guess I am trying to say he imbraced an realism of future hope, rather than a past hope.
Sory, I am not paticulary articulate tonight. Post surgery meds messing with me.
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
9/25/2011 7:55 PM |
Sure, but if he really wanted to "embrace the future" why is he trading .44 caliber percussion cap and ball for .44 caliber cased pistol ammo? Sure it's a technological step up (from 1860 to 1880?) but are .44 caliber cartridges going to be EASIER to find than caps and nipples? Shouldn't he be switching to the most plentiful pistol ammo of the era before Nukeday, 9mm Parabellum? If the original design function of the LeMat is no longer important, only it's external form, WTF difference does it make what he changes the caliber to--except that access to ammo is always an issue in the hellscape. The other thing is, in DL the future sucks. If it was me in charge  I would spin off a new series, have Doc succeed in returning to his time and once there commit the rest of his life to making sure Nukeday never happened. This would involve assembling a team of hunters to take out scientists, inventors, corporate honchos, politicians, anyone whose enterprise could eventually lead to Armageddon. They would roam the Victorian Era like Ninja Luddites (catchy title?). Hope the surgery went well and that you're doing okay.
medic15al New Member Posts:22  
9/26/2011 6:02 AM |
Thank you for the well wishes on the surgery!
The main thing I would see in ammo availability in Doc's LeMat would be the percussion caps. CCI and Remington are the largest supplier in the U.S. and it is at times difficult to find them. #10 and #11 size are the most common along with the musket size, and the shotgun barrel may use a different size than the nipples on the revolver. (Not real up to date on BP, haven't shot any in a while so I prob made a mistake here) And with the technology of the Deathlands, primers and percussion caps manufactoring would be difficult on a large scale until it is perfected.
B/P is easily made in the deathlands and is available.
The .44 magnum and .44 Special are way more common than percussion caps but I cannot recall them actually finding that specific caliber in the books. I do remember a book that he used a Webley break open revolver and was favorably impressed, but in the end he went back to the LeMat.
.38 Special and .357 Magnum would be a better choice if doc wanted to stick with a revolver.
I have always wondered why Ryan haven't had the group to carry at least one handgun each in 9mm caliber for ammo commonality.
Ninja Luddites....... Hmmm.... Would be interesting!
mikeclr Basic Member Posts:197  
9/26/2011 9:48 AM |
I think they should all just throw rocks at each other.
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
medic15al New Member Posts:22  
9/26/2011 9:49 AM |
Actually, not far from reality after WWIII.
ChuckPublished Author  New Member Posts:55  
9/26/2011 9:53 AM |
I had them use slings in "Blood Harvest." Does that count? ;P
mikeclr Basic Member Posts:197  
9/26/2011 9:56 AM |
Slings? C'mon Chuck, don't you think that's a little far fetched?
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch