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Last Post 1/14/2019 11:51 AM by  medic15al
The guns in deathlands
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9/26/2011 10:13 AM
At the risk of sounding like a sassy author? Read it and you tell me.
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9/26/2011 11:38 AM
Blood Harvest is #1 on this site for a reason!
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9/26/2011 6:47 PM
I've seen people in the books use everything from spears and clubs to crossbows (made from automobile springs); the Japanese samurai even had their swords and bows. It's not nearly out of the range of credulity for someone to use a sling - it's hard as hell to learn, but you never run out of ammo for it, and making one is a snap.

As for .44 ammo... I haven't seen a lot of it outside of Pollotta's books (because he usually includes a Webley), but the companions find ammo stores often enough that it shouldn't be hard to pick some up. It would certainly be more common than copper nipples; lead shot wouldn't be hard to make, and black powder is easy.

Coincidentally, this is the third LeMat Doc's had now - he lost his first one (the .36 cal) crossing a river in Cold Asylum and picked up the .44, which he used until recently.
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9/30/2011 7:19 AM
Got a little quiet in here......
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

9/30/2011 8:22 AM
Well I don't know what the rest of you losers are up to, but I'm hanging out in Key West this week. ;-)
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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9/30/2011 8:53 AM

Key West? Well come on down to my house in the Bahamas!   



How is the weather?

Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

9/30/2011 9:09 AM
The weather is gorgeous.

Yesterday we were out snorkeling on the reef at Pennekamp. Saw a four foot barracuda.

We're down here for the commissioning ceremony for the USS Spruance. I think Sunday we might take the cruise out to the old fort on the Dry Tortugas.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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9/30/2011 10:45 AM
I'm partial to Little Gasparilla and the barrier islands myself but it sounds awesome, Ron.
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9/30/2011 11:24 AM
  Sounds like a perfect trip! Hope you enjoy!
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9/30/2011 11:51 AM
Posted By medic15al on 30 Sep 2011 07:19 AM
Got a little quiet in here......

Well lets git her goin.  Given the DL canon, you would have all sorts of armament.  I've only written two of the books but I try to imagine it as realistically as possible.  In "Blood Harvest" the Baron and his best sec men had a small assortment of pre-dark armaments.  They weren't named but it is pointed out that the Portuguese CETME rifles had been crudely refinished several times and their plastic furniture had long ago been replaced by hand carved wood.  The ville was producing black powder and most of the armament on the island were home-rolled single or double barreled rifles, shotguns and pistols.

In the soon to be released "Hell Road Warriors" a Baron sends his son off to fight and gives him his personal Glock.  The weapon had long ago lost its plastic frame a blacksmith had forged a lower grip and receiver out of iron.  There would be a lot of that going on.  In the same book in a trading camp there is a tent with a man hawking pre-dark weapons, next to it a woman selling homemade ones and next to them is a gunsmith who will fix both.

In answer to the question about slings, yes, it takes practice to get good with one, that is pointed out, and they were used by hundreds of islanders in"volley fire" against the ville sec men.  They heroic slingers are neither fast, nor particularly accurate and in practice several try to brain themselves and those around them.

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10/1/2011 12:41 PM
Posted By Sin-Eater on 26 Sep 2011 11:38 AM
Blood Harvest is #1 on this site for a reason!

Yeah, now that I have GA books 1-33 thats the next GA book I intend to buy, its the only book with a perfect 10.0 
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10/1/2011 7:16 PM
Have any of you guys seen the movie "Sucker Punch" First this is a awesome movie, not so much for the movie, but the "Dream Sequences" They are some of the coolest dame things Ive ever seen, the first one is awesome , any whoo.. the dream sequence that has the dragon, do those guns actually exist? If you dont know what Im talking about, I can see if I can umm.. "find" that part of the movie online to show you what Im talking about.
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10/1/2011 7:18 PM
Posted By ShadowTek on 01 Oct 2011 07:16 PM
Have any of you guys seen the movie "Sucker Punch" First this is a awesome movie, not so much for the movie, but the "Dream Sequences" They are some of the coolest dame things Ive ever seen, the first one is awesome , any whoo.. the dream sequence that has the dragon, do those guns actually exist? If you dont know what Im talking about, I can see if I can umm.. "find" that part of the movie online to show you what Im talking about.

Im afraid I havent seen it. See if you can find a pic of it.
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10/1/2011 7:21 PM
Posted By ShadowTek on 01 Oct 2011 07:16 PM
Have any of you guys seen the movie "Sucker Punch" First this is a awesome movie, not so much for the movie, but the "Dream Sequences" They are some of the coolest dame things Ive ever seen, the first one is awesome , any whoo.. the dream sequence that has the dragon, do those guns actually exist? If you dont know what Im talking about, I can see if I can umm.. "find" that part of the movie online to show you what Im talking about.

ETA:  Looks like an 1911 style.
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10/1/2011 7:43 PM
I'll find a clip.. stand by
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10/1/2011 7:51 PM
Heres a trailer of the movie:

You can see there guns at the 2:11 mark, but its a really short clip
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10/15/2011 7:46 PM
What did Doc replace his Lamat(SP) gun with?
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10/16/2011 6:58 AM
A modern reproduction LeMat that took .44 cal cartridges and a modern shotgun shell chambering. Outwardly it looks the same.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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10/17/2011 11:04 AM
Posted By ShadowTek on 01 Oct 2011 07:51 PM
Heres a trailer of the movie:

You can see there guns at the 2:11 mark, but its a really short clip

They are all listed here...


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Harry Whittleberry 2
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10/18/2011 3:04 AM
baz did you do this as its grate stuff. lots of info on all the guns in the movie. have you seen it its got some real babes in and with all the gunsa swell its a real good movie to see.
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