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Last Post 9/26/2011 9:52 AM by  mikeclr
Ryan vs Trader
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9/24/2011 3:02 PM
    Ok, I was once a fan of comic book wars (remember the "what if" series) Im just curious, if Ryan and Trader were to fight to the death, say, in a jungle setting, starting say 2 miles apart, who do you think would win.. but I'm interest in the battle between the Trader in his prime, vs Ryan, not the old sickly annoying version of the Trader..

    Personally, I sort of think Trader would win, as Ryan and JB quote him non stop, and as Ryan did get the better of trader once (Thats how he joined, he got him in a wag) I think in the scenario I posted above Trader would win, because if the Trader was the weaker, Ryan would never have had a care to join him to start with..  What do you guys think?

    Sorry if these type of posts seem old or redundant, but I'm new to deathlands, and as far as I'm concerned, this series started 2 months ago, when I discovered it 

    So for me everything is brand new!!

    So who do you guys think would win, The Trader or Ryan?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/24/2011 3:10 PM
    Ryan my friend, he one bad @ss mo'fo
    Basic Member
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    9/24/2011 3:15 PM
    Yeah he is, but he never stops talking and quoting Trader, plus, it was Ryan that chose to join Trader, for who he was and his power, Trader didnt give a shit who Ryan was.. not at first.. it was later Trader made Ryan his "first in command" or rather war chief of warwag one...
    Advanced Member
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    9/24/2011 3:57 PM
    The student becomes better than the master
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    9/24/2011 4:30 PM
    thats no answer :/ you just say that cause ryan is the main guy, you have to say why, thats the point of this thread here lol
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/24/2011 4:45 PM
    Well to be honest i havent read pilgramage to hell or encounter yet so dont know much about early badass trader but lets face it there hasnt been a human, mutie or cloud born  yet that master cawdor aint been able to "chill"
    Basic Member
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    9/25/2011 9:13 AM
    Trader was badder than Ryan when Ryan joined up with him, sure... but are you using Ryan then, or Ryan at his prime? Ryan at his prime, during the events of Pilgrimage to Hell, is easily the equal of Trader in his prime, IMO. He and JB quote the old man all the time because most of what they learned, they learned from him, but he gained a lot of that knowledge through experience. If you use Trader in his prime (say, 35 years old), he's going to lose a lot of that experience, which would give Ryan the edge. If you use the older Trader, he'd have the edge in experience, but Ryan would win in a purely physical contest. So, any way you want to do it, I'd say it would be too hard to call.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/25/2011 2:51 PM
    Now those are some good points, yeah now that I think about it, Ryan in his Prime would beat Trader in his prime. You convinced me lol
    Harry Whittleberry 2
    Basic Member
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    9/26/2011 4:23 AM
    i think as trader and ryan dont exist in the real world the winner wud be the one that gold eagle said they wanted to win.
    if the original riter was doing the story i think trader would win
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/26/2011 9:52 AM
    Wait! What? Ryan ain't real? No way!
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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