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Last Post 10/21/2011 4:12 PM by  ShadowTek
Mr Shadowtek a question
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10/10/2011 12:48 PM
    Howdo shadowtek, quick question. Im looking to buy a graphic audio cd and knowing about ur vast knowledge of said product was wondering what would be the best one to start with??????
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    10/14/2011 3:25 PM
    You could start with the first book? But its hard to find, took me forever, the very first book I heard was book 4, Crater Lake.. But if you want non-stop action, Id suggest Blood Harvest, Ive seen it around allot, and if that book doesn't hook you nothing will

    You'll like them, they (so far) always use the same actors to play the same chrs, and the voices sound just like (at least for me) like the chrs would sound like (Ryan with a gruff voice, Kristy with a sweet but firm voice, Docs voice sounds perfect, perfect JB voice etc..) Its literally as close to a movie as you'll get (umm.. just without any visual lol) Im totally hooked on them.
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    10/17/2011 1:46 PM
    Hard to find? Have you tried the Graphic Audio website?
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    10/21/2011 4:12 PM
    You know.. Ive been on there site, and for some reason I only saw the mp3 packs and mp3 player packs (all like $100+) I never in my own stupidity thought to check individual book purchases, as its not obvious to see.. Now after reading this earlier, I purchased the one book in Deathlands I really wanted.. Book 0, Encounters, and burned it to 6 CDs.. and now I have Book: 0

    Thanks for posting the obvious, as I clearly am a absent minded moron, but thanks to you, I know have book 0
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