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Last Post 10/16/2011 9:54 AM by  Kerrick
5 biggest BS things about Deathlands
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10/15/2011 8:23 PM
    Ok post your 5 biggest bullshit or disappointing things about the Deathlands.. note Im not talking about the reality thing.. I mean in the books.. taking everything in the books as a world.. if that makes sense..  you can include things in this vain that you wish would happen that there ignoring.. like my example below..

    Mine are:
    1. Mildred.. BS hard to buy.. OK get this shes:

    a. The second best shooter in the world.. The pre-dark world

    b. Shes a cryo doc.. ok, but she can do surgery (remember the surgery she did on doc(was it him?) and seems to know EVERYTHING about anything to do with injuries.

    c. She has either been everywhere the companions go, or has read a article about the area..

    d. Shes a expert in all Indian affairs, which the companions seem to encounter allot..

    e. She was a daughter of a civil rights leader, but her love is Country Music (Really? lol)

    f. Do I really need to go on..

    2. Ryans code of "Honor" Ok can authors please come up with one idea here please?

    a. Does he have a code of honor

    b. Does his word mean anything?

    Please make this a easy to see thing..

    3. The guns are not always mentioned correctly

    Ok I lied, here are reality things..

    4. Someone with balls Please add a new member to the group, a girl would be my choice, do something to refresh the group.. Kill a main member, add two new ones, please do something..

    5. MAKE ALL THE BOOKS CONTINUE FROM BOOK TO BOOK YOU ASSHOLES! Did I say that out loud? Opps my bad.. I forgot.. they don't want authors to get any fame, just the series.. guess were stuck with the revolving door..

    Thats my top five, whats yours?

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    10/16/2011 9:54 AM

    I'm a big fan of Deathlands, but as has been pointed out multiple times here, there's a lot of BS in the books. You really just have to take it all with a grain of salt and enjoy the books as a form of entertainment, nothing more.

    I mean, even if the world in the books was 200 or so years ahead of our own in terms of technology, there are some things that are simply too hard to believe - radiation lingering 100+ years after the nukes; likewise with changes to the weather system; horrific inbreeding that seems to occur within two generations; etc.

    Mildred... yeah. A lot of fans don't seem to like her. I have no problem with her for the most part, but a lot of what you pointed out bugs me a bit. A lot of this can be tossed at the feet of LJ - for some reason, he overdeveloped this character, so now we're stuck with all that canon. *shrug* Don't know where you get her expertise with Indian affairs, though; AFAIK, Doc is the only one who knows anything about Indians, and he's spent time with them (he can speak a smattering of Apache or Sioux).

    Ryan: This is more due to "multiple-author syndrome" than anything. Different authors bring their own visions to the series, so characters can change from book to book. You can't do much about it but grit your teeth and bear it.

    Likewise, points 4 and 5. A new head editor took over in 2000; he decided that the series would become static - that all the books would be self-contained (except for short story arcs), and no changes would be made to the companions. This is because we have many authors writing for the series, and it would be difficult to coordinate all those authors to create a continuous storyline (before Mark pops in here, I'll note that he did it just fine in OL by having the other authors run their stuff by him first ). This would, of course, include adding/removing party members (which is why some people who join the party at the end of one book aren't there at the beginning of the next).

    Thankfully, we're starting to see some things change - Dean's back, Doc has a new(er) LeMat, and the others are going to get new weapons as well. I doubt we'll see any continuity like before, but that's okay.

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