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Last Post 9/27/2010 5:13 PM by  titus1972
does anyone get driven mad somtimes by ryans group missing obvious signs of danger?
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9/27/2010 5:13 PM
    I enjoy this series I am on about book 25 or so anyway I just had to ask as I have gotten into listen to these books but every few books Ryan and his group make such bad choices or miss the most obvious clues to danger. I know they must miss things in order to fall into danger but some situations are so insulting to both the  characters and the listener that I had to express my opinion and ask if this has been noticed by other fans of the series?

     I could list these offences indivually but my point is made, am I to critical? It drives me up the wall sometimes. To the point where I have to stop listening and do somthig else. Am I alone here?
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