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Last Post 11/6/2013 1:56 AM by  Maximus
Deathlands 103 - Hell Road Warriors
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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3/14/2012 7:57 PM
Ok in reply to both Silentalbino and Maximus...

SA -I gave up on about a year back and have been getting my DL books from the .com site ever since. I have had no problems with them ever and I have been getting books from the .com site for years always to the same address. This last order just amazed me, why after so many orders do they suddenly think I don't exist anymore? Still the hic-up saved me money as a result.

Maximus - I live in England and used to use reader services until they ripped me off good style years back. In a nutshell I had to set up an account with them and keep it topped up with cash, they would take the cost of the books & postage from the pot and send them off to me just like they do with the bulk order boxes now. Anyhow, I topped up the account with the equivalent of $50 via a money order and as it cleared I forgot all about it. I stopped receiving books thereafter? Calling GE -a cross pond call remember and not a toll free number, I was told books had not shipped as my account was empty!!!
Ermm, what about the $50 plus the $12 or so remaining I asked?
No, sorry your account has not been updated for a number of months.
Oh yes it has, and I have proof...
Really, we have no record of that...
blah, blah, blah...

I produced the proof that GE had cashed the order and it had gone into my account, and sent it to them recorded post. It never arrived -despite them signing for it!

In the end I just gave up as my phone bills cost more than the $50 I lost.

They did contact me several long months later and as a gesture of good will offered to send me a copy of a super Bolan...

caveat emptor...


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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3/16/2012 8:16 PM

The Book has arrived, all the Hail the Amazon

Review coming in the next week.

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3/18/2012 4:04 AM

I just finished this book today.  I love the pace, keeps moving on.  With "The Day After Tomorrow" super-storms, a decent plot twist with the mechanic, and a race across a frozen lake; I couldn't put the book down for the last 100 or so pages!  This was a very exciting book.  Ryan's new Scout rifle makes me wonder if he'll really put the Steyr with the rest of his retired weapons like the G-12 caseless.

I recommend this book.  A worthy addition to the collection.
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3/21/2012 6:18 PM


Well I finished it this morning and I have to say this for me was the Best DL Book I've read so far, the pace is breakneck, all main character's have a decent Backstory and the story is just Brilliant.                                                                                        I did'nt like two part's of the story, the Worm's and the Giant Eagle's but that is my own view, also I don't think Ryan would have spared the Grease Monkey at the End.

But I liked this story so much I've started reading Blood Harvest which was on my "To Read" shelf.Please Chuck write some more DL Gold.

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3/28/2012 4:31 AM
I'm really enjoying this book so far! Had to have a laugh (SPOILERS) about the Beer & Pizza in the Diefenbunker.. Now inquiring minds want to know.. Molson's Or Labatt's? lol

But get this.. I'm going to Ottawa next Monday to visit my Half Brother for my Easter Break. He gives me a list tonight of all the museum's etc around our Nation's Capital. Guess what one of them is? lol

I'll be sure to look for the Mat Trans when I'm there!

Don't worry, for those who follow me on Facebook, I'll be posting pics!

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3/29/2012 1:39 AM
First off, I just started reading this and I already love it. Good job, Chuck. I love the fact that it takes place here in Canada. Incidentally, at time of writing, I'm at CFB Borden. It was a cool weird shock to see that in the first few pages.

Let me just say that there are one or two things so far that I have to mention as a Canadian, a soldier & an armourer. When you referred to the pintle mounted LMG, you said "Minimi". In fact we use the Fabrique Nationale C9 and it's variants. They are very close in design but do have distinctive names.

I want to reinforce that this is in no way an irate criticism. More a clarification. If you ever plan to do more with The Great White North and the Diefenbunkers, I'll look forward to it. Also, please feel free to message me if you have any questions regarding our weaponry that I can share with compromising my security clearance.

Keep up the good work, Chuck.

P.S. If I find anything else that is slightly "left of center" I'll post it here.


*EDIT* I forgot to mention that our Iltis vehicle was produced by Bombardier.

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3/29/2012 2:46 PM

Well, you can tell from my review that I knew DL fans would love this one.


Chuck did an amazing job, despite small hiccups, and a major host of editing issues throughout the book. But that is not his job, but his editors job to catch these.


But I will take all these small issues any day of the week if the writer shows his obvious love of this series and its characters and world. I wish this was the level of writing we got with every single issue.

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3/30/2012 5:12 PM
For those of you that don't know, and Jeepster can clarify this for me, the C-7's the companions use is a variant of the M-16A2, the C-9 is a variant of the M-249 and there's a smaller version of the C-7, the C-8 that the tank crew uses.

Or I could be completely out to lunch, since I haven't studied rifles and weapons in many years.

The great thing I loved about the book is that Chuck kept the reader guessing.. like what were those tanks outside of Winnipeg trying to stop? Just how many more Deifenbunkers are there in Canada?

Oh and what happened to Mr. Timms? Can't remember if he dies or if he's part of Smythe's crew.

Finally Chuck, keep up the great work, but one thing. If you're going to write about Quebecois again, you forgot one key word in their language.. Tabernac! (Maybe have Jak start picking it up? lol)

Excellent read from start to finish!
New Member
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4/1/2012 6:35 PM
Just finished Hell Road Warriors and I found it so cool that my hometown Sault Ste Marie (the Soo) was in the book.

Only complaint is that if our locks survived the nuke blast why didn't the International Bridge, the Paper Mill next to the locks, the Steel Mill just a few clicks west of the locks and our thriving downtown waterfront with city hall, a mall, office buildings, marina, etc.

I know I know the story was not about the Soo but the journey to the redoubt in Manitoba still I could see all the places mentioned in the book as I have been to all of them except for the parts in Maitoba.

Way cool with an entertaining story to boot.

I hope Ryan and his comrades come back to Canada soon!!
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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4/4/2012 7:13 PM
My copy arrived this morning at long last. I only have to finish "At the mountains of madness" now and I can dive right in...

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/5/2012 11:14 AM
You will love it.
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4/5/2012 11:20 AM
Finished Chucks other book, boy the man just keeps hitting those balls out the park.
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4/12/2012 3:30 AM

Did you just call me "boy the man?"  ;P  Glad you liked it!

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4/13/2012 9:22 PM
Would not Dream about it. Was apprehensive about reading Blood Harvest due to my interpretation of "Giants with an unquenchable thirst for blood" from the back of the book. Thought VAMPIRES, oh no. But due to the high score on the ratings page I bought it and Im bloody glad I did. Superb book from a superb author.
Thats me done kissing your ass. Ha ha.
Please tell us IF you can, that you are to write some MORE DL GOLD.
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4/13/2012 11:45 PM
I'd bet my paycheck Chuck has just gotten started. (At least I hope so!)
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4/19/2012 11:59 AM
He should be the main writer for Dl.
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4/22/2012 1:09 AM
I grabbed this one today at B&N and read it while I was waiting for the mechanics to finish fixing my car (lots of leaks). I'm about 2/3 of the way through it, and it is by far the best DL book I've read in a long, long time. Chuck hits all the right notes - good characters, solid action sequences, a great battle, and the occasional bit of humor to leaven things. Some of the lines in here made me laugh aloud:

"My good captain, your men are sailors, aren't they?"

McKenzie regarded Doc very dryly. "Last I heard."

"Well then, I gather they have had some experience hauling on a rope and heaving enormously heavy objects?"

McKenzie turned his bemused gaze on his first mate. "My Smythe, you and the lads ever hauled on a rope before? Maybe pushed something heavy?"

He flexed forearms big as bowling pins. "Once or twice in our careers, Captain."

Pure comedy gold.

There were a few minor things that bugged me, like Doc continually saying "By my stars and garters!" instead of "By the Three Kennedys" and once a reference to yards instead of meters, but that, as Max said, is the purview of the editors.
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4/22/2012 11:27 AM
Aye it's a cracking read.
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4/22/2012 4:30 PM
When you think about it though doesn't Doc using "stars and garters" (an actual antiquated saying) make a heck of a lot more sense than "the three Kennedys"?
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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4/22/2012 5:04 PM
Posted By mikeclr on 22 Apr 2012 04:30 PM
When you think about it though doesn't Doc using "stars and garters" (an actual antiquated saying) make a heck of a lot more sense than "the three Kennedys"?

Not if "the Three Kennedys"  were the grimy, brutish kids living next door  to him in Stafford, Vermont in the 1860s.
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