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Last Post 11/6/2013 1:56 AM by  Maximus
Deathlands 103 - Hell Road Warriors
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Author Messages
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4/24/2012 11:47 PM

No, I was quite serious.


I consider meself a pretty good judge of character, insofar as spotting a good writer when I read one.


Polatta hasn't given me a good DL book to read in a long, long, long, long, time.


Although everyone is entitled to their personal opinion, it just seems that most people agree with my assessment of that particular writer.


If that particular book is really a great DL, please tell me how this particular tome was that: one of the best DL.

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/25/2012 12:05 AM
What I mean sir, are you calling me some kind off "Troll" or "Sock puppet" cause I have had the "cheek" to say I liked this Authors work. If not that is fine, but if this IS the case then I WILL be most displeased.
The reason I LIKED this book was because the "Action" took place in an area that as far as Im aware had not been "visited" by the "Gang", I also liked the politics off said Island with various competiting "Villes" and the different approach to "Wealth" that the Author had taken.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/25/2012 12:49 AM

Bloody relax, dude. Take a chill pill.


Trust me, if I was calling you out - you'd know, plainly.


I am merely flabbergasted that ANYONE in the last decade liked ANY of this particular author's DL work.


Since I do TRY all of the DL books, I haven't been able to really enjoy that author's work since the first half of MOONFEAST. And Tainted Cascade began so horribly in so many ways, from grammar to just plain terrible action sequence set-up, that I didn't even make it through the 3rd chapter of that one.

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/25/2012 12:58 AM
Its all cool Brother, I maybe took the tone of your text out off context. All I was saying was that he had done 1 decent book, that was all. The rest are pish, I know but credit where credits due for that ONE book.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/25/2012 2:42 AM

And don't EVEN get me started on Prodigal's Return.



Basic Member
Basic Member

5/26/2012 4:31 PM

Finished this a month ago, actually read it twice. And I hadn't done that with a DL book for a looong time.

Very well written, really enjoyed the worms and the guardian poodles.


Tis a shame that I am now staring at my new copy of Watersleep but not wanting to read it as I know it won't compare...



Advanced Member
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5/26/2012 10:59 PM
the poodles rock.

Published Author
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5/26/2012 11:16 PM

They were a shameless salute to a certain Canadian editor/poodle-rancher and her pack o' beasts!

Basic Member
Basic Member

5/27/2012 1:07 AM

"That dog get's steak for dinner" I appreciated that most of all as you made Ryan so much aware of the dog's saving his ass TWICE.

I would also vote to have some kind of animal a part of the DL group. It would be pretty cool for at least a few books before someone chills it.


Freelance Editor
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5/27/2012 1:25 AM

And I really, really appreciate that, Chuck!


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5/27/2012 1:29 AM

I live to serve . . .

Basic Member
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6/7/2012 2:44 AM

MMMnnnnnn... Lamprey pie..




Published Author
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6/7/2012 4:22 AM

I hear it's absolutely delicious.  I put them in the book because I read an article that they have swum up the canal and are doing real damage to the fish population in the Great Lakes and are proving very difficult to eradicate.  So I mutated them up for the book, threw in some poodles, and Bob's your Uncle! 

New Member
New Member

6/7/2012 1:24 PM
Your mutated version of Lamprey was great in the story, a real danger for good guys and enemies alike to  keep on the look out for.  I looked them up for a visual of the real deal and they are frightening without the mutations!  Kudos on your first two entries in the series!
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

6/7/2012 4:14 PM

Chuck, you are a God-send!

Your DL books have raised the bar.


Can you at least give us a wee hint of what idea is running through your head for the next one?


I would LOVE to see how you would pen an Outlanders book. I'd bet the farm that you would place that series back on track. Man, if you did that, you'd be the top-dog writer in this group ever to do so.

Basic Member
Basic Member

6/23/2012 10:55 PM
Posted By Chuck on 07 Jun 2012 04:22 AM

I hear it's absolutely delicious.  I put them in the book because I read an article that they have swum up the canal and are doing real damage to the fish population in the Great Lakes and are proving very difficult to eradicate.  So I mutated them up for the book, threw in some poodles, and Bob's your Uncle! 

I hear you. Here in Maine they are in the local paper quite often actually, invading the streams and damns. Allthough I believe they were also mentioned in Dectra chain or another DL seafayer adventure... I don't recall which one. But I seem to remember "Swimming with the Lamprey's!" as an on-going theme.


Also I have an uncle named Bob. He's 91


Advanced Member
Advanced Member

7/23/2012 11:22 PM
Jim did you ever get around to reading this one?
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

11/4/2013 5:44 PM
Just re-read this the other,still outstanding! When o when is Mr chuck writing a new book???
Published Author
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11/4/2013 6:15 PM

Wrapping the latest one up as we speak!

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11/4/2013 8:53 PM
Posted By Chuck on 11/4/2013 6:15:02 PM

Wrapping the latest one up as we speak!

Can hardly wait for it   Thanks for the heads up!
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