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Last Post 6/24/2012 4:09 PM by  Maximus
Deathlands 104 - Palaces of Light
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6/5/2012 5:00 PM

Well, then you need to go purchase some coke or meth then, just to keep awake and focused.


Don't say you haven't been warned...

Freelance Editor
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6/5/2012 6:35 PM
Al, Kosha is showing her age, unfortunately. Good thing Chuck immortalized her in Hell Road Warriors.... Everyone else is full of spring vigor.
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6/6/2012 1:06 AM

102 pages into it. It's not holding my interest. Otherwise I wouldn't be on the internet right now. And that's bad for a reader.


In my experience with books I want to read, Which is most all of the DL series, I read until I reach the end. I have no desire to reach the end...

Sad, maybe the awfull reviews tainted me? But prob. not. I am a most literate fellow and can discern my own trepiditions with the first 20 pages. However I feel that Mr. Andy boot wrote this while on the shitter, and between shits he forgot where he was in the novel and simply restated facts for the first 100 pages. Very lackluster. And it's to bad.

So a 'turd' would be an appropriate account.


I actually did put it back on the bookshelf.


With any luck Doom Helix will arive tomorrow.

That is all.


Advanced Member
Advanced Member

6/6/2012 4:30 PM

Hate to say I told you so, but I did.


But I get it. You got it. Its DL. Gotta give it a try, right?


The good news is, when you DO get that Alan Phillipson book in the mail, you gonna be reading a grad A DL adventure.


Especially after that turd you just dropped....

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6/10/2012 3:44 AM
AP: You know the saying about opinions, I'm sure...

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6/10/2012 2:17 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 10 Jun 2012 03:44 AM
AP: You know the saying about opinions, I'm sure...

Any rose would smell as sweet ... ?


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6/13/2012 3:52 AM
Well, there are people who think their shit smells like roses...
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6/13/2012 12:16 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 13 Jun 2012 03:52 AM
Well, there are people who think their shit smells like roses...

And count themselves fortunate? I could be wrong (I learned all my science from LJ) but I think this is eeeeeevolution gone awry. The whole point of the enterprise (lower intestine, colon, etc.) is to leave something behind that we no longer need. If what we evacuate is pleasing to any of the senses, the parting only becomes more difficult. And there may be an overpowering urge not to leave it behind at all, but to carry it away in pocket or purse.

Visualize the problems this would cause in the modern world--on public transit, in the office, restaurants, or at sporting events.

The rose-shit people are definitely an evolutionary dead end.

Freelance Editor
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6/13/2012 5:18 PM
Oh my God! Wow! I'm picturing  open purses. Too funny, Al.
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6/16/2012 12:55 AM
well lets do what Ron ask.Lets take all this talk about spies and trolls some where else...
Advanced Member
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6/23/2012 6:35 PM
Yeah, but when you 'don't care what it is' - then your fans can tell, and they won't purchase anymore of your work.
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6/23/2012 7:25 PM
Posted By Maximus on 23 Jun 2012 06:35 PM
Yeah, but when you 'don't care what it is' - then your fans can tell, and they won't purchase anymore of your work.

Only going to say this once more. DL is a house-owned series. GE authors don't earn royalties for writing the books. Whether their fans buy the books or not doesn't impact what they are paid or where their careers are headed at GE or elsewhere.

I suggest that you review this thread and take some notes. I'm trying to be nice, but repeating this crap over and over is really starting to grate on my nerves.

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6/23/2012 9:49 PM
Are there any Multi Author Book Series owned by Book houses that give the Authors a fair share of the "takings".
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6/23/2012 10:34 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 23 Jun 2012 09:49 PM
Are there any Multi Author Book Series owned by Book houses that give the Authors a fair share of the "takings".

I'm sure there are. I haven't looked into it in a long time, and I don't remember which publishers/series paid royalties, or how "fair" they were. Since writing in someone else's series/stable is not something I'm interested in doing anymore, I can't in good conscience bug agent friends to find out for me.
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6/23/2012 10:37 PM
If GE want the cream of the crop it would seem that they should start splashing the cash. But we know they won't. Ach well.
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6/24/2012 3:55 PM
The former executive editor of GE absolutely HATED the very concept of any particular writer becoming--in his words--"a star."

In my opinion, he expended more energy and time fighting against that possibility than he did fighting for the writers to be dealt with fairly.

He hated the possibility of any writers becoming stars so intensely, he materially breached my contract with Harlequin in order to remove my name from the indicia of OL books. Three books were printed before I was aware of the removal and it was brought to my attention by readers here on

I had to threaten legal action in order to have my name restored.

The guy's philosophy was that if no individual writer was singled out, then there could be no superior writers, no inferior writers, no star writers or anything other than dead center writers.

Every book was just as good--or bad--as the ones preceding it or following it. The old "if everyone is special, then nobody is special" philosophy.

Bad books, good books, mediocre books--as long as you guys keep buying 'em, you can bitch about the quality of the writers all you want.

Advanced Member
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6/24/2012 4:09 PM

Wow, Jax2 Mark, that sounds like they put the totally wrong person in charge over there. That sucks!


To AP: Yeah, I read what you wrote before, but that just means that people like me won't purchase those particular writer's works. And I haven't in a long, long time. I only trust certain authors. The others I either don't read, or don't pay of them. 


So if you are sick and tired of writing to us fans about such things - then don't. Simple as that.


If there are fans out there who are deaf, dumb and blind to who pens their books, and purchase them blindly, then bitch about them here or on - then that is their right.


Speaking strictly for myself: I don't buy Outlanders any longer because I don't care for the current caretakers/writing of it any longer. They lost one purchaser there. And I'll bet I am not the only one of the old fan base. But since it is still being published, I suppose there are enough new readers, along with old fans who still buy and read them.


Thank God DL hasn't gone to two writers I don't care for personally. Thank God writers such as Chuck have come along and saved the bloody franchise, insofar as I am concernded. (And from the other fans who have come out and given him the highest ratings, I am not alone in this thinking.)

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