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Last Post 1/15/2012 5:28 PM by  Hostarius
Question about the Music
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12/4/2011 9:33 PM
    Hey Guys, got a question about the Graphic Audio versions.

    One of the most powerful  parts of the adaption of Deathlands to me was the incorporation of music. It can enhance the mood and draws out the emotion of the situation.

    Does anyone know who composed the music and where can I buy it? Particularly the soft guitar sections. There are two of these, usually played during a highly emotional scene reflecting on the pain of the Deathlands or as a precursor to a love scene.

    I've actually heard one of the guitar themes being played on TBN of all places during a international postcards segment!

    Thanks for your help.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    12/5/2011 10:37 AM
    Have you watched through the closing credits? The music score is usually listed either with the titles of the tracks used and the writer or just "Musical score by..."

    Either way you will be able to do an search on the net for the writer or track names.

    Best I can offer,

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    Ron Miles
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    12/6/2011 9:37 AM
    I just checked a couple of my Graphic Audio CDs, and they both list credits for Deathlands Theme Music by Mark Ashby, and Additional Original Music by Bryan Patton, Dan Smith, & Matt Webb. I don't know if any of the music is available on its own, but if you were to go to and ask around on their forum, they might be able to help you.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    Veteran Member

    12/7/2011 4:35 AM
    ***Puts on hat with big D on front***

    I never read the first line of Hostarius' thread and took it he was talking about the sad old movie !!! In my defence I have to state I have never listened to a GA audio book so had no idea they had music as part of the experience?

    ***Takes off Hat***

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Basic Member
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    12/10/2011 11:16 AM
    Or you could just do a Google search.

    Bryan Patton has a Facebook page:

    As does Dan Smith:

    Matt Webb may have one - there are a couple, one of whom is a member of a band called Marianas Trench, but I couldn't find any info on Deathlands.

    At any rate, that should be a good start.
    New Member
    New Member

    1/15/2012 5:28 PM
    Thanks for the answers guys. I still haven't been able to match up the music with the artist. Ill let you know when I do!
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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.