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Last Post 4/5/2012 1:28 PM by  silentalbino
John Carter of Mars
 26 Replies
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Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/16/2012 7:59 PM
Yeah, its so bloody expensive to go to the cinema nowaday's . What with the ever present threat of "Pirate Film's" you would think they would adjust the price to get "the punters in"
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/16/2012 8:00 PM
I saw the film both ways. It is fine 2 D. Do yourself a favor and see it.

It really is worth it. If you like the books, this one is actually bigger and better than the 1st 2 books, which I just re-read.

After reading the first 2 books again, I can see how the writers and director changed it a bit for today's audience. It IS, and WAs, for the better, in my humble opinion.

Even though they are considering this a flop, I think word of mouth will, and should, actually turn this movie around. I would love to see a sequel.

It deserves it.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/16/2012 8:09 PM
O.K Mr Maximus, i will go and see it on your say so, but GOD help you sir if it's a heap of s***!!!!!!!

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/21/2012 8:29 PM
Was pretty crap to be honest. Disney should not have made the film. Looked pretty but just didnt do it for me.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

3/21/2012 11:01 PM
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
New Member
New Member

3/23/2012 5:28 PM
It's sounding like the Ishtar of the 21st Century!
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/5/2012 1:28 PM
Just pish i'm afraid
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