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Last Post 7/13/2012 3:03 PM by  mikeclr
A Game of Thrones
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4/5/2012 11:34 AM
    Has anybody else been watching or reading this. T'is amazing.
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    4/30/2012 10:15 AM
    Yes, at first I thought it was just another Medieval romp through the forest, but now I have become addicted to the characters, and the look of it.  The only thing that's bothering me is the title music (Land of Fire & Ice?).  I guess I watched too many episodes at once, and now I can't dislodge that music from my brain, it just keeps repeating and repeating, and it feels like those clever little cog-driven turrets and castley things may start sprouting from my head.  I want a Dire Wolf. 
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/30/2012 11:08 PM

    Yesh, I read and watch the TV series. Sometimes too political, but good. Like the Jon Snow storyline and the dragon bitch the best.


    And yes, I wanna direwolf too! 

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/1/2012 11:53 AM
    On episode 5 series 2 at the moment, just gets better every time.

    I want Daenerys Targaryen!!!!!!
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    5/2/2012 3:55 AM

    I want Tyrion Lannister (aka Peter Dinklage) to find a way to banish his sister (a nasty bit of business), her brother/lover (ick), and their evil spawn King Joffrey (even worse), to a place far "Beyond the Wall", where they will hopefully encounter the White Walkers and come to a gruesome end. White Walkers = frozen ancient zombies.  What's not to like about this show? 


    Advanced Member
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    5/2/2012 2:11 PM
    The Imp is the SH*T
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    5/3/2012 4:36 AM
    Not having read the books I don't know what's coming, but so far, he seems less SH*TEFUL than a lot of those around him.  Cunning and manipulative to be sure. The way he discovered who was acting as a spy and leaking information to his snarky sister was brilliant.  He doesn't seem as vicious or cruel as the rest of the crew who are his family. Perhaps this is just good camouflage?
    Advanced Member
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    5/6/2012 4:38 PM
    He is my favourite character by far.
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    5/17/2012 4:58 AM
    Runner-up for an interesting character who is quickly learning to be as shrewd a player as the Imp,  Arya. 
    Advanced Member
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    5/26/2012 10:58 PM
    Im reading the books at the moment and oh boy are they F***ing amazing. Highly reccommended.
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    5/28/2012 9:04 PM

    Seem to be experiencing time travel on this thread - suddenly found the first entry to be something from 2008 and Game of Thrones (2012) nowhere to be found (even by searching) - had to literally page through all the posts to find it.

    Before this happens again, I will quickly say that the books are great, just started the first - and there are at least 4 more (the sixth is in progress).  Excerpt from a review of Book 5 from the NYT (2011), A Dance with Dragons:

    "And Tyrion is his grandest creation. A kin slayer and fugitive, Tyrion assumes manifold roles in “Dragons”: mummer, soldier, paymaster, slave, river rat and captive. He’s in on the cosmic joke of being a “high-born dwarf” and is quick to give practical Westeros wisdom: “Trust no one. And keep your dragon close.” He also notes that “a small man with a big shield will drive the archers mad." 

    Did you see Season 2, Episode 9 of the TV series?  Tyrion leads the army while "King" Joffrey slinks off to hide.  The battle scenes were really well done. I knew that green stuff was going to come in handy... (Believe Martin wrote may have written the actual screenplay).  Tryion rules - a sense of humor, brains, and he's got more backbone than any of his larger relatives. 

    It's great the books will be there when the TV series goes on hiatus (BTW, they're apparently casting for extras for the next season, if you live in Ireland or thereabouts). 


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/29/2012 1:14 PM
    In scotland not too far to go and see the mighty Imp. The Books are ten times better and the show is amazing you will not be dissappointed with them. On book 4 at the minute and they just keep on getting better. if only we could say the same about the Deathlands novels.
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    6/6/2012 8:56 AM

    What was that at the end of the final episode of Season 2 - a frozen zombie apocalypse?  I thought I was seeing a version of Walking Dead Meets Game of Thrones...

    Wanted to wait to read the books until the TV series was off the air, which it is now (sigh) for awhile.  I like the fact that the women in this series are not just props - there are some real heroic characters - Brienne the giantess, Daenaerys Storm-Born and her now feisty dragons (crisped up those dead creeps quite nicely), the Imp's consort Shae, and of course Arya. 

    Since you live in Scotland, you can check out the auditions for Season 3, although I think this might be kind of a rip off (seems like this agency is taking a percentage of everyone's pay - to be an extra?)  Still, it would be pretty cool if you got to be in an episode and we could all tune in and watch.  Represent!

    From the author's website: 

    I get emails all the time from fans who want to be on GAME OF THRONES.

    Here's your chance. The call has gone out for extras for season three.

    Of course, it helps if you actually live in Northern Ireland.

    Or the Republic of Ireland.

    Or Scotland or England or the Isle of Man... y'know, someplace where you can actually get to the shoot.

    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    6/21/2012 4:39 AM
    Paul and Storm are apparently just as impatient as you are:
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    6/22/2012 3:13 AM
    Hysterical!  "Write like the wind before you die". 
    Advanced Member
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    6/22/2012 10:44 PM
    Is that Richard Dreyfuss on the left?? Ha Ha so funny but also so sadly true. Hurry up GRRM.
    New Member
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    7/3/2012 5:45 AM
    No disrespect intended towards Sir George RRM.  May he write like the wind for many years to come.  (Richard Dreyfus - that is funny...) 
    Advanced Member
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    7/11/2012 6:15 PM
    It's weird if you go on the website a lot of the fan's seem to think he's going to keel over at any second- the man's only 63 for god's sake.
    Basic Member
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    7/13/2012 3:03 PM
    Yeah, but he's an old 63...
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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