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Last Post 5/26/2012 3:28 PM by  SP
Deathlands books for sale
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4/17/2012 8:54 PM


    I have been reading Deathlands for a while now and I have a few books for sale. I usually read them and take them to the used book store but  prefer to sell them myself this time. I was gonna collect the series but  decided its easier to read them and  pass them on. Some of the books i had for a while some were bought used.

    This would be great  for  someone who wants to start a collection or has a used book store and wants them for resale.

    Books have all been read once ( some more than once) and are in good overall condition They do have the typical  curved back from reading. here is a list in no particular order ( prefer to sell all at once but will separate shipping  will probably run about $5 a book  so its probably best to buy more than once to ease the pain of  the shipping fees Shiping may vary if you buy a  bunch of books at once so the shipping may vary depending on size of package.) I will ship USPS with tracking # and obviously any additional shipping fees will be  paid by the buyer). Asking price is 2.25 per book. If you buy all at once  Ill drop the price to $2 per book or we can work out a  price. I will take pay pal as gift only.

    Books will be shipped within three days of payment.


    Crucible of Time

    Devil Riders

    Freedom Lost

    Skydark Spawn


    Pandora's Redoubt



     Judas Strike, Shadow Fortress (These are a series of three books I have Savage Armada i just haven't read it)

    Latitude Zero


    Zero City

    Way of the Wolf


    Moon Fate

    Doom helix


    Dark Carnival

    Genesis Echo


    Emerald Fire

    Desert kings

    Playfairs Axiom

    Neutron Solstice

    Thunder Road


    Dark Resurection

    Traders Redux

    The Mars Arena  (two books one unread)

    Crater lake

    Chill Factor

    Apocalypse Unborn

    Ground Zero

    Furys Pilgrims

    Dectra Chain

    Damnation Road Show

    Rat King

    Amazon Gate

    Salvation Road

    Earth Blood Series

    Earth Blood

    Deep Trek

    Aurora Quest.

    I have some other  TEOTWAWKI type books but I am not sure if i can put those on here so please contact me at

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    5/26/2012 3:28 PM

    Are these still available?


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