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Last Post 6/22/2012 10:31 PM by  silentalbino
 4 Replies
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6/22/2012 5:47 AM
    Don't tease the android.
    Bring a flame-thrower.
    Other than those two valuable life's lessons learned? 
    I want two hours and four minutes of my life back.
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    6/22/2012 3:40 PM

    I actually liked the movie, despite its varying problems. From writing in overly stupid human beings that always seem to make stupid moves, as they do in any typical horror film.


    But one would think such an esteemed film director and screen writers could see these weaknesses, and tweak them for the better quite easily. Going to a strange planet, one would think you would be armed to the teeth. Instead, we get what appears to be pop guns and a flame thrower. And the lead female actor, whose supposed to be highly intelligent, asks: "What is that? Why do we need weapons?"


    Then you have two smart guys who take off back to the space ship when things don't look right, leaving the rest of the dummies behind.


    Yet, long after the 'rest of the dummies' barely make it back to the ship - the two guys who left long ago are still stuck practically where they started! Huh??


    But, despite stupid mistakes like this, the look and feel of the movie was very cool. I liked the giant alien humanoids, along with the creepy other aliens that I suppose all meshed together during battle, and will eventually become the Alien we all know and love that started in the 1979 film. The ending left me wanting more, I have to tell ya.

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    6/22/2012 3:41 PM

    Generally, there were only 3 smart people on the whole ship.


    And Michael Fassbender's android was excellent. Great actor. (See his Centurion film!) 

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    6/22/2012 4:58 PM

    I agree, the writing was just so bad.  I also agree the special effects were amazing, the best part of the movie was Android of Arabia. Then again, didn't Ridley Scott make one of the seminal SF movies of all time, Blade Runner?  Didn't it have the most incredible special effects for its time, plot holes you could drive a truck through, characters doing incredibly stupid things and the coolest thing about it was Rutger Hauer?  The replicant?  Ridley is repeating himself, and not well . . .

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    6/22/2012 10:31 PM
    Michael Fassbender was amazing,should maybe get a nod for the Oscars. Looked pretty, good acting but was mediocre.
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