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Last Post 9/30/2012 1:51 AM by  RPGjunkie
Lonely Planet DL style.
 7 Replies
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Advanced Member
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7/23/2012 10:40 PM
    Where would you like the gang to appear next? India? China? Austrailia?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/1/2012 4:08 AM
    I've been thinking that maybe they could appear next in the following locations . Peru , South Korea , Hawaii, Columbia , Italy.
    With South Korea & Hawaii they could turn up in US Military Redoubts on Army bases .

    The other three they could turn up in redoubts under US Embassies .

    Maybe in BC Canada in the Diefenbunker at Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/5/2012 6:27 PM
    Columbia would be good, they could get some yayo.
    Basic Member
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    9/5/2012 9:44 PM

    Nigeria. They could then be scammed out of their weapons.


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/6/2012 11:15 AM

    I am actually quite surprised the DL companions are not known far and wide, seeing as they have traveled quite extensively...and created much death and havoc in their wake.


    Freelance Editor
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    9/6/2012 5:53 PM
    They are known here and there, of course, but since there's no mass communication and supposedly only  isolated pockets of civilization, their existence isn't known far and wide. Lots of rumors, stories told around the campfire and news carried and shared by various traders and brigands.
    When In Redoubt
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    9/6/2012 9:40 PM
    Australia, Europe, Russia--heck, any where they show I'm in.
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    9/30/2012 1:51 AM
    Since I live in the Yukon, I think it would be a blast to see the companions end up here. I'd also be very interested in seeing what a post-apocalyptic Yukon would be like. I'd also like to see them in Sweden, Australia and either the North or South Pole. Y'know, places that wouldn't seem to be obvious adventuring destinations.
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