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Last Post 8/31/2012 6:28 PM by  When In Redoubt
Deathlands and Sons of Guns
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7/26/2012 4:57 PM

    Just watched a new episode of Sons of Guns and loved this new Kriss assault rifle! It is going to be in the new movie Total Recall, which looks pretty damn cool!


    The version and added on shit that the Sons of Guns guys did made this badass weapon look even more awesome. 


    Couldn't help but think what a fantastic weapon this would be for Ryan Cawdor.

    Like the old G-3 he used to carry, but even better! (Hint, hint DL writers)

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/26/2012 6:10 PM
    Posted By Maximus on 26 Jul 2012 04:57 PM

    Like the old G-3 he used to carry, but even better! (Hint, hint DL writers)

    That would be a G-12...

    A none existent upgrade  of the caseless H&K G-11 rifle.


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    Advanced Member
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    7/26/2012 10:45 PM
    Nah the Rifle he acquired in HRW is more than adequate.
    When In Redoubt
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    8/31/2012 6:28 PM
    LOL, could see JB liking that series.
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