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Last Post 11/2/2012 9:01 AM by  Maximus
Damn I miss Zimyanin!
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8/6/2012 9:45 PM

    Honestly I seriously wish he would be brought back. I know LJ was actually going to bring him back at one time. I am currently reading Red Equinox again after 20 years and I had forgotton how much I liked the man.

    As far as different authors not being able to use other's characters, I have found that is not so. After reading Thunder road and Andy Boot actually bringing back and then KILLING OFF 3 of Victor Milan's characters from Veangence Trail I am sure someone could do it.

    So someone please bring back Gregory Zimyanin, I could actually see a sort of truce between Ryan's party and a greater threat for a plot.

    Would be a godd book IMHO.


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    8/7/2012 6:48 AM

    Then they would have to bring him back from the dead, because he was chilled.


    He and Strasser were top-notch, memorable cold hearts.  

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    8/7/2012 11:26 AM
    Posted By Maximus on 07 Aug 2012 06:48 AM

    Then they would have to bring him back from the dead, because he was chilled.


    He and Strasser were top-notch, memorable cold hearts.  

    Was he?

    He fell to his "death" but we all know how many times that has happened in TV and film land only for the villain to show up as fit as a fiddle in a few episodes time...


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    11/1/2012 6:30 PM
    Zimyanin was always one of my favorites, but all these years reading DL I never thought he was dead. The companions never seen the body, and I've been wondering if he'd ever re-appear in a new book. Chill Factor is still one of my most favorite DL books. Long live Zimyanin!
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/2/2012 9:01 AM
    I agree. But 'ol Skullface,Cort Strasser, the very 1st badass villein was awesome and memorabe too.
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