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Last Post 7/18/2013 2:41 PM by  Gazhack
Deathlands 109 - Chrono Spasm
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Basic Member
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3/22/2013 7:20 PM

Oh man, that sucks. I really thought it was going to be something about them all going back in time. That furging blows...


Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/23/2013 9:53 AM

Kerrick, you are absolutely correct! They did times.


But then there would be this big gun battle where the typical bad guys couldn't hit shit in a narrow hallway, but yet anybody in the Cawdor group hardly ever missed! And had endless ammo a lot of times. 


But yes, There was a couple of instances where Jak and Ryan were counted their bullets.


Just wasn't consistent. But hey, I am sure it ain't easy writing these books. I admire this author for at least bringing back stuff from actual extreme cold weather to even Krysty correcting Ryan's verbiage. (When was the last time THAT was done?)  Even Ryan's scarf...albeit too late in the story. Should have been brought up automatically, and used to throttle a guard, instead of Doc's OBVIOUS cane.


I hope this particular author tries again, takes into account what we are saying, use it constructively, because I personally am not wanting to bash ANY writer here, and give us diehard fans an even tighter, better written DL adventure.

Basic Member
Basic Member

3/24/2013 9:11 PM
Okay, yeah, thinking on it.. the battle with the chronovres, JB was spraying bullets everywhere. By that time I was skimming pages, so I kinda missed it.

And yeah, I caught that part about Krysty correcting Ryan - I like that.

One other thing that bugged me: Why were the barrels full of cooking oil?? Why would they use something that valuable in such a capacity, instead of filling them with, say, SNOW and/or ICE (because, you know, they don't have much of that lying around...). Packed snow weighs a ton, so it would be quite effective.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

3/25/2013 10:58 AM

Again, you are spot-on in your comments Kerrick.


I thought the same thing. The barrels thing...


I really, really wanted to love this book. The title suggested that FINALLY someone in the cadre of authors were going to get back to a Cerberus time trawl type storyline. But it ended up being way out there for me. (And apparently for others too!)

Although I applaud the author for his obvious solid imagination, but like his recent Outlanders book Genesis Sinister, the sci-fi aspects were just too bizarre for me to swallow or picture firmly in my own over-imaginative reading mind.


Even though this series is now labeled sci-fi, I think there are certain sci-fi lines one should not cross. The 'invisible, floating teeth thingamajigs eating time' was an example. And Andy Boot's last book. Too far out there.


But Alan Philipson's Shadow World is a perfect example of utilizing that sci-fi aspect to fit this particular series.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

3/26/2013 7:46 AM
I had to put this down for a while as work eat up all my spare time. Picking it up again this morning I decided to restart it and was hit by a flash of inspiration as I read the first page once more...

Don Nectar is an anagram...

how did I miss this first time around?

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

3/26/2013 7:50 AM
At least more than two letters are mixed up, which is more than can be said for the last "Brain tease" we got treated to?

Gill Bates

oh dear me !!!

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

3/27/2013 1:15 PM
Looks like Rik H put a tip of the hat to one of his own OL books in here as well...

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Basic Member
Basic Member

3/28/2013 10:45 AM
Oddly, the chronovores didn't bother me all that much. I kind of wondered where they came from, but I just figured it was from "between the planes" like those things from Shadow World and left it at that. They certainly weren't from Earth...
New Member
New Member

5/6/2013 8:30 PM
I finally finished this one, and I loved it. Rik Hoskin is a talented writer with great ideas. I also appreciated how he gave a decent reason as to why Doc is STILL in the Deathlands.
New Member
New Member

7/18/2013 1:41 PM

I found this to be a weak and disappointing story.  

New Member
New Member

7/18/2013 2:41 PM
Probably the best of the recent Deathlands books I've read. "Chrono Spasm"'s big success is that it balances the traditional brutal violence and post-apocalyptic despair of the series with a satisfying science fiction concept. Often in previous novels that have had a SF conceit, it felt tacked on and somewhat out of place amongst the frontier ruthlessness. Here the time distorting experiments that are wrecking this particular corner of the USA feel properly integrated into the main story about Ryan's gang being captured by a powerful cannibal tribe. Whilst owing something to Stephen King's Langoliers, the eerie time carnivore monsters are an entertaining SF touch as well. In addition it's interesting that the team have to struggle in a hostile wintery environment, which raises the stakes some more.

There are several excellent set pieces. An attack by a mutant polar bear on Jak and Ricky is gripping stuff, whilst J.B.'s gladiatorial contest, seemingly completely outmatched by a chainsaw-wielding champion, is a classic "how on earth can he get out of this" situation. What makes the action work is not just James Axler's compact, efficient writing style but that the resolution to each battle is believable, relying on our heroes' ingenuity and experience rather than "with one final effort they won".

Continuity is well used to add to the tale and please long time readers. I'd agree that Rik has been doing some more research into the series' history. Most obviously we have the return of Operation Chronos and more of Doc's history with them. It's also good to read Ryan thinking about his missing son, whilst a little mystery that was begun in Hoskin's Outlanders novel "Scarlet Dream", concerning some strangely familiar zombies is also explained.

This instalment is winning mixture of Weird West gothic, gun-blazing battles and time paradoxes.
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