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Last Post 9/6/2012 11:14 AM by  Maximus
The 1st 100 pages of Crimson Waters...
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9/5/2012 11:27 AM

    I just had to come here and type in that Victor Milan's brand-new Deathlands: Crimson Waters starts off - in my humble opinion - even better than his zombie one.


    I just read the first 10 chapters, around 100 pages, and it left me with one of the best choreographed battle scenes that left me with a huge, satisfied grin on my face. Milan seems to be bringing his A-game to the DL series. Much like Chuck Rogers has done, Milan places bigger and badder weapons into the companion's hands. As well as keeps in tune with Roger's having given Ryan a new and better Steyr longblaster.


    I'm actually enjoying this one's opening 1/3 of the novel better than Wretched Earth's.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/5/2012 6:50 PM
    I thought this one was going to be a winner. Has the new companion turned up yet?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/6/2012 11:14 AM

    Just after that 1/3 part I read, yeah he shows up. I like him. He is referred to as the 'anti-Jak'.


    I now have the last 100 pages to read, and I do believe this is the best DL MIlan has penned. 

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