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Last Post 9/24/2014 1:54 PM by  Randarchist
No more sex!
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9/30/2012 2:24 AM
    I love sex, best thing in life. Hell, it's the way life goes on, but if I want sex I read erotica or watch porn or best yet...have sex with my wife! The companions are friends, I don't want to read about friends having sex. I understand that "romance" novels are porn for women and that Deathlands is from that publisher, but I want adventure, pick an audience. I read these for the adventure, I can fill in the intimate parts for myself I don't need to read about who's turgid member goes into who's quivering womanhood. I get it. I've done that, I love it, but I don't want to read about the companions doing it. The main reason is that I read is to escape from this life and experience something new. Graphic sex isn't new. The adventures in the books are.
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    9/30/2012 4:00 PM
    I agree, sometimes sex is used as a filler when writers have ran out of ideas. If there are, plans to include sex do not make it so obvious. Our imaginations can supply imagery and it creates unnecessary conflicts.

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    9/30/2012 5:27 PM
    sex is grand. The sex in the series aint. Too stale. If they ABSOLUTLEY MUST have a sex scene maybe mix it up abit and have the other characters involved.Or hell lets really have it livened up and have them become "swingers". Ha ha.
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    9/30/2012 7:09 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 30 Sep 2012 05:27 PM
    sex is grand. The sex in the series aint. Too stale. If they ABSOLUTLEY MUST have a sex scene maybe mix it up abit and have the other characters involved.Or hell lets really have it livened up and have them become "swingers". Ha ha.

    I can see Ryan and Krysty jamming in some crappy Deathlands club, searching for a third person with which they could make a sexy love triangle
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    10/1/2012 12:21 AM
    I have to agree with you Ithaqua, the sex scenes in the books are not really needed to give us the idea that the pairs love each other . I find it more interesting when Jax or Doc finds a partner. I just wish some of those partners could travel with the team for a few of the books.

    Now if you really want to mix things up maybe have Mildred & Doc get busy ,or Ryan and JB get frisky with each other, something odd and out of character like that would shake things up in the series I'm sure .
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    10/2/2012 4:44 AM
    Posted By RPGjunkie on 30 Sep 2012 07:09 PM

    I can see Ryan and Krysty jamming in some crappy Deathlands club, searching for a third person with which they could make a sexy love triangle

               I wonder if it would still be "wag" key's on the "coffee sub" table.
    When In Redoubt
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    10/5/2012 10:41 PM
    I'm a traditionalist, I enjoy the way Ryan and Krysty--and JB and Mildred--are portrayed already--loyal monogamous pairs. Sure, I am a fan of using sex scenes for a purpose--plot moving (like for when Ryan's seed is stolen from Krysty for breeding use) or for character use (like to show their relationship/interaction--like in Hell Road Warriors where they talk about concerns or there is humor--that whole 'breakfast' conversation was just plain PERFECT). And I definately prefer a skilled portrayal to just a graphic one. One of my favorite things in the series is where you see the pairs love for each other show outside of sex--like Ryan's reaction to Toulalan's kissing of Krysty's cheeks.

    Given the DL's lack of decent medicine and the weirdness of all the mutational stuff we see in everything ELSE in the DL, keeping it monogamous would be the smartest 'survival' choice.

    Besides, there is enough bizarre or wild sex already going on around them, that they are the 'stablizing' normal relationships in the DL.
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    11/1/2012 10:56 AM
    Trust me, if it is implied that they had sex and it will prevent Graphic Audio from using squishing and slurping sounds during a sex scene, I'm all for it..
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    11/4/2012 9:25 PM
    (looks over at Jodes)....damn Bro its been a long time
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    1/1/2013 8:53 PM
    I just post on occasion Diablo.. I mainly just read for the Apocalyptic blogs and updates on the new books..
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    1/10/2013 5:42 PM
    In Starfall, Doc hit it off with ?Annie? at the trading post. The one with the cannon. Be nice to see him go visit her sometime.
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    9/24/2014 1:54 PM
    I don't mind a well written sex scene, but a lot of graphic descriptive isn't needed to convey it. Clenching hands, heart pounding, toes a curling can speak a damned more powerful scene than simple mechanics of the act itself.
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