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Last Post 12/9/2012 11:44 PM by  Red Mark
Zombie Apocalypse Redemption
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11/23/2012 2:51 AM

    This terrible, terrible SyFy movie is a post apocalypse zombie story with so many DL elements I would be suprised if one of the many writers doesn't read the series.

    It could just be me, but it plays like a DL with just Ryan.

    Tough loner thrown out of his cold heart ville.

    Evil Baron (sets a new gold standard for "chewing the scenery.")

    Cold heart raid on caravan/ville

    Armory in cold heart ville.

    Raid on cold heart Ville.

    a main character wears a disguise with an eyepatch.

    Just wondering if anyone else unlucky enough to watch this felt the same way. It's on Netflix.


    New Member
    New Member

    11/24/2012 12:45 AM
    Let me add that this movie is really, really, really bad. Don;t waste your time.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/24/2012 10:27 AM

    I don't think there ARE any 'good' Sy Fy movies, are there?


    There is something coming to that channel, a TV series that actually looks really good. But from what I've seen of what comes from that channel, I hold little hope. I can't recall the name of it, but it has to do with humans and aliens living together in what appears to be some sort of apocalyptic earth.


    The aliens look bluish in color, methinks, if memory serves me right. Been awhile since I've seen the commercial.


    Anybody know this...?

    New Member
    New Member

    11/24/2012 4:13 PM
    I like the first Zombie Apocalypse movie they did, it was cheesy but fun.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/25/2012 9:59 AM

    The Scy-Fy channel lost my trust a long time ago, so I didn't even know nor see this zombie movie.


    Their Deathlands had potential, but of course they screwed the pooch there. 


    But the ONLY thing I'll try that looks REMOTELY cool and worth trying, is this alien/human TV show coming out soon that I can't think of the bloody name of!

    Red Mark
    New Member
    New Member

    12/9/2012 11:44 PM
    The common theme of games is zombie. The economy is stressful like those games. Our economy is still declining and the fiscal cliff is approaching quickly. Don't we have enough to worry about in America today? The White House thinks so, too. It states that current doomsday rumors are total nonsense,
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