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Last Post 1/17/2013 6:46 AM by  silentalbino
Non cannon style of current line up
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1/1/2013 11:33 AM

    I WAS (am for the "classic " portion of the series) a rabid Deathlands fan and much time and cash  was spent collecting  the first 75 books. After  the crapfest that was Cannibal Moon I just gave up...not only had the writing gone to hell but people were doing and saying things they WOULD NEVER do or say. I realize LJ has been dead over 20 years  but up to say issue 68 the writing managed to stay reasonably cannon,even with multiple writers. Was it too much expense for Golden-eagle to keep a writers guide and suggest that new writers READ a few of the older novels before they let them write? even just a 'slang guide' would have they even have editors there? Im looking to dip my toes back into the series but only if they have gotten the writers under control. My personal wish is get one of the older writers to do a 4 book wrap up and end the series in style. Please understand this is not meant to troll the community because Deathlands was a big part of my teen-20's and I truly love it so lets keep the comments positive and constructive.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    1/17/2013 6:46 AM
    First off welcome. Crapfest? Please explain? This book has one of the highest scores on the site.
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