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Last Post 3/18/2013 8:00 PM by  Kerrick
Deathlands #113? - Motherlode Cover Art
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3/2/2013 3:36 PM

    Ladies and Gentlemen.. According to  here is the cover for an upcoming Deathlands book:



    Another Kristy cover..


    All I can say is.. DAMN!



    Ron Miles
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    3/2/2013 5:43 PM
    Thanks for pointing that one out, I hadn't seen it yet. He keeps posting covers and titles before the books are announced!

    I don't like it as much as some of his other ones, but it is always nice to see Kristy on the cover.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    3/2/2013 8:43 PM

    The new cover art  pics are great, but I'd really like to see more Doc, Mildred, Jak, and Dean.  Don't get me wrong I love seeing Krysty and J.B. hit the covers too, but the rest of the crew isn't depicted in the cover art nearly enough.

    Freelance Editor
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    3/2/2013 10:13 PM
    Wow! If that's Motherlode, it's nothing at all like the art scenes I suggested!
    Advanced Member
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    3/3/2013 5:17 AM
    Hotpipe!!!!! Damn the man done good. Krysty looks smoking, that Ryan is a lucky sumbitch!
    Advanced Member
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    3/3/2013 11:12 AM

    That's a very different cover from any of the previous ones. I don't see a menace approaching Krysty. But she seems a little trapped by the lamppost and has a rip in her leather pants.


    Great and colorful as art as Seely has been given, but needs a muite in the pic. She also isn't as hot looking as she was on Nemesis book cover. But still glad to see more of her on the book covers. Now if only he would paint more of Jak and Mildred and Doc on the covers...


    Especially Jak!

    New Member
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    3/4/2013 1:22 AM

    He has to stop doing Jak as a 50s Greaser though.. the cover's he's been on have just made him look awful..


    He needs to look like Eddie (Iron Maiden) but with skin!



    Advanced Member
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    3/5/2013 1:16 AM
    Ron, do you know who the authors are of this book and the last two before it?
    Ron Miles
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    3/5/2013 8:16 AM
    So far, I have no idea. Sorry.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
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    3/7/2013 8:16 PM
    Umm... why is she wearing combat boots?
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    3/8/2013 7:04 AM
    Posted By Kerrick on 3/7/2013 8:16:54 PM
    Umm... why is she wearing combat boots?

    'cos everyone but us has forgotten about her blue cowboy boots...



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    3/11/2013 7:54 PM
    Honestly, it's Krysty F'n Wroth.. who CARES what's on her feet!
    Advanced Member
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    3/14/2013 7:01 PM
    Yup ol Krysty is a stone fox.
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    3/18/2013 8:00 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 3/14/2013 7:01:14 PM
    Yup ol Krysty is a stone fox.

    Can't argue with that.
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