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Last Post 3/14/2013 11:12 AM by  Maximus
Look at this cover by Seeley!
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3/5/2013 1:14 AM

    Looking at all the pics from his gallery, I spotted one that I thought was for an upcoming DL book. Another zombie one from the looks of it.


    But it appears to be a sequel for a post-holocaust zombie sequel for another book series. Looks like another Ryan Cawdor to me! On its titled JUGGERNAUT, by Adam Baker.


    Has anyone read this?


    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    3/14/2013 12:18 AM
    It is a sequel... the previous one is called OUTPOST. I don't recall seeing it; I'll have to check at the bookstore next time I'm there. The new one comes out in April.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    3/14/2013 11:12 AM
    I have looded for this book in my local bookstore, but they never have it. Have you read this Outpost? Any good?
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