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Last Post 3/18/2013 11:14 AM by  Maximus
Really looking forward to these upcoming DL books...
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3/18/2013 1:41 AM

    After Milan's last awesome DL, and Helfer's first 2 fantastic books, I am very much looking forward to seeing where these talented writers go next. Especially the newcomer Helfers.


    I think Helfers nailed the DL feel and swagger pretty damn quickly. The cover art for his upcoming SEPT book looks very interesting. Ron, any info on book synopsis yet...? 

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    3/18/2013 8:26 AM
    Yeah there seems to be hope for the series yet. They just need to get a certain Mr Chuck on the team and we are a go go.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    3/18/2013 11:14 AM

    Amen to that! How can they not have Chuck fully on board after his first two books were so damn classic?


    Yet another GE mishap on their part...

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