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Last Post 5/10/2013 1:50 PM by  Jax2
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5/9/2013 2:39 PM
Keep it coming. Any plans for a new series????
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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5/10/2013 6:20 AM
I guessed you may have as that first meeting between the two has a special kind of magic going on between the lines as you read it. I think its not so much the action scenes that make these books but the way you write the interactions between all the characters.

It would have been nice to see some more interaction between Defore and Kane which is hinted at in book one.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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5/10/2013 8:05 AM
I don't think Kane and DeFore had much interaction until the fifth book, Parallax Red.

As for a new series...guess you missed the news about The Spur.

It's not going to be an every three months production schedule...I learned the hard way that kind of grind isn't really conducive to keeping creative enthusiasm high.
Advanced Member
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5/10/2013 10:54 AM
I've actually got it on my kindle just havnae gotten round to reading it yet. Good to hear its going to be a series.
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5/10/2013 1:50 PM
Here's a link to a nice write-up about THE SPUR being used as the basis of an RPG.

Speaking of Kindle--we're finally going to be able to get our library of graphic novels on Kindle. We finally overcame the technical issues that have kept so many comic publishers from making their output available on mobile devices, like the Kindle.

File size issues and being unable to get the "panel zoom" feature to work have been solved.

So this summer starting with Nosferatu: Plague of Terror, we'll have The Justice Machine: High Gear Edition Volume Two, Death Hawk: The Soulworm Saga, Mr. Holmes & Dr. Watson: Their Strangest Cases, H.P. Lovecraft's The Miskatonic Project: Whisperer In Darkness and several more avaiilable for very affordable digital download--

Showcasing the art of such great comic artists as Adam Hughes, Richard Pace, Darryl Banks, Gil Kane and Don Heck among others.

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