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Last Post 5/22/2013 1:20 AM by  Ithaqua
Who has been reading to me every night for 3 years?
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5/18/2013 7:45 PM

    The question says it all, who are the voice actors which star in deathlands? I know there has been a couple of changes of cast, but mostly its the same people.  Who are they? 

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    5/21/2013 10:57 AM
    Richard Rohan - Narrator-Ryan Cawder-Jak
    Colleen Delany - Krysty Wroth
    Terence Aselford -J.B.Dix-Doc Tanner
    Delores King Williams - Mildred
    Nanette Savard -(young) Dean Cawder
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    5/22/2013 1:20 AM

    Richard Rohan is also Trader, with his voice pitch shifted down a fraction.

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