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Last Post 9/20/2013 1:19 AM by  Maximus
Upcoming DL authored books
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9/19/2013 10:54 AM

    Does anyone know who is penning the next upcoming DL books?

    I also looked up on the cover art and synopsis of the upcoming books not yet posted on this site, and the DL End Program sounds and looks very interesting. Ryan's eye finally gets repaired?!


    He had a chance to do that twice now. First in the Anthill with Ellis's first DL book, and then Helfer's latest book. I found it odd and kinda stupid that Ryan didn't get this done. Even though the writers never explore this, his having only one eye would be a serious detriment in combat situations. Having such a blind spot would always put you at risk.

    But, it is one of those 'signature items' that can't be changed, much like their weaponry and clothing. Which has hardly changed.

    What do you fans say? Would you like to see Ryan's eye repaired?

    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    9/19/2013 12:34 PM
    End Program is by Rik Hoskin (Alpha Wave, Baptism of Rage, Chrono Spasm... you might notice a pattern in his DL titles).
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/20/2013 1:19 AM

    Thanks Ron!


    What about the next one, MOTHERLODE and Siren Song?

    BTW, how is your son?

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