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Last Post 4/14/2016 9:03 PM by  Alexavior
Kristy Wroth
 6 Replies
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1/7/2014 3:42 PM
    In which book did Kristy get laid by other than Ryan. I must be missing a few books
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    1/7/2014 4:22 PM
    To the best of my limited knowledge she has never slept with anyone other than Ryan . I know that in the book Skydark when she was under the spell of the Mutie leader Kaa, she wanted to have Kaa's offspring, but she didn't do it with him.

    In the Baronies trilogy Mildred came close to getting laid by someone other than JB. She had to fool some sec men and got into bed with an old guy who nearly stuck it to her .
    New Member
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    1/7/2014 5:35 PM

    was re reading random books and Ryan was real upset with Kristy and the reason had to do with another man and her actions


    Advanced Member
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    1/8/2014 1:30 AM
    Gee and gosh darn! I only WISH something like that would happen in ANY of these 2 series!
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    1/9/2014 2:20 AM
    Posted By dragun691 on 1/7/2014 5:35:58 PM

    was re reading random books and Ryan was real upset with Kristy and the reason had to do with another man and her actions


    The only thing I can think of is in the first book in the series she lost her virginity to the guy her uncle had help train her in hand to hand combat. That reminds me didn't the companions go back to Kristy's hometown in one of the books? I seem to remember some conflict with her old flame there . I could be mistaken as its been years since I read the first  40 books in the series .

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    Advanced Member

    1/9/2014 10:39 AM

    Yeah, I kinda remember that happening. But can't recall title.


    Well, just got my free copy of DL's Siren Song yesterday. Well, let's see if Rik can knock it out of the park this time. Cool cover, but storyline doesn't much excite me. Hope I am wrong. 

    New Member
    New Member

    4/14/2016 9:03 PM
    It was crossways where they visited Harmony
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