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Last Post 2/13/2014 1:54 PM by  silentalbino
 2 Replies
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New Member
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2/13/2014 12:13 PM

    It seems to me there are a lot more stinkers since #100 than before. What do you all think?


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    2/13/2014 12:44 PM

    I think you don't have to look far to see what we all think here.

    But, on the other hand, there has been major awsomeness too! 


    Like the one I am reading now, as well as Dark Fathoms. Very James Cameron-ish take on his film The Abyss.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    2/13/2014 1:54 PM
    Like Maximus said its been a mixed bag but more good than bad I'd say. With a few exceptional one's in between. Looking at you Hell Road Warriors and Nemesis.
    Welcome aboard.
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