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Last Post 5/1/2014 10:35 PM by  Ron Miles
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5/1/2014 5:15 PM
    Does deathlands start with the book "encounter"? Ive got 23 books from deathlands on my kindle if some 1 is willing to swap. Anyhow, are all the books listed on this website?
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    5/1/2014 10:35 PM
    Posted By harley1rocker on 5/1/2014 5:15:29 PM
    Does deathlands start with the book "encounter"? Ive got 23 books from deathlands on my kindle if some 1 is willing to swap. Anyhow, are all the books listed on this website?

    The first Deathlands book published was Pilgrimage to Hell.  Encounter was a special edition that was done many years later, it consists of a novella that is set prior to PtH (basically a story about the Trader) and then a bunch of supplementary material about the creation of Deathlands and Outlanders.

    Yes, all the books are here.  If you click on "The Books" up in the menu at the top of the page, there is are direct links to both Deathlands and Outlanders. Each book has its own page with publication history, cover artwork, back cover copy, etc.  I do keep it updated, so you can usually see what books are coming out in the future (at least as far as I have info, which is usually about five or six months out). There are also links to to purchase the books (assuming they are still in print). If you click that link and buy a book, this website gets a small commission which helps keep the lights on. Nobody's getting rich, but it does help pay the web hosting bill if you are so inclined.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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