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Last Post 11/24/2014 3:19 PM by  Randarchist
Deathlands 119 - Polestar Omega
 21 Replies
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

5/4/2014 4:31 PM

    This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands #119- Polestar Omega

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    5/4/2014 6:12 PM

    Here's the full rear cover text -


    Banded together to survive, Ryan Cawdor and his companions travel the barren wastelands of a post-nuclear world. There are no laws in Deathlands - only fear, destruction and annihilation. As each day brings a new struggle, this group journeys toward the shaky promise of sanctuary.


    Ryan and his friends become the subjects in a deadly experiment when they're taken captive inside a redoubt at the South Pole. A team of scientists is convinced the earth must be purified of mutants, and now they have the perfect lab rats to test their powerful bioweapon. Within Antarctica's harsh and unstable conditions, the companions must fight the odds and take down the whitecoats before millions are killed. But in this uncompromising landscape, defeating the enemy may be just another step toward a different kind of death.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    Veteran Member

    5/5/2014 12:36 PM
    Sounds like crater lake on ice !!!

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Advanced Member
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    5/12/2014 6:01 PM
    The art work on this one is quite good. But the daisies must go.
    New Member
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    5/20/2014 8:24 PM

    The artwork on this one as well as the last one is downright hilarious.  Ryan looks like Kit Harington a la John Snow with an eye patch.  Ryan is supposed to have tight curly hair not waves.  Seems dangerously close to plagiarism IMO. Luckily my guess is GoT producers most likely don't have time to chase that kind of petty thing. Just seems a sudden change and not at all how Ipicture Ryan.


    And just a shout out to Jim How ya doin mate? Ron thanks for helping me fix my account details.

     I know I haven't posted in awhile but got a kick out of this cover.

    Advanced Member
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    5/21/2014 10:23 AM
    Snake Pliskin + Jon Snow = Ryan Cawdor with a Mad Max suit. To be fair I like the artwork in the background. The gun he's carrying appears to be several sizes too big.
    New Member
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    5/21/2014 2:03 PM
    wasn't a fan of the Escape movies so I can't comment on that. Deathlands and Outlanders always have amazing artwork. Now a days often the only good thing about some of the books. I instantly thought of Kit Harrington with an eye patch Not saying its bad ...just inaccurate as far as canon goes. If they want to explain it as an aging thing there should be far more silver as well. I in this series disappeared years ago.
    Advanced Member
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    5/21/2014 4:58 PM
    Escape from New York was brilliant but the second one was a bit gash. Yeah there should be a lot more grey in his hair, I doubt there is Just for Men in the apocalypse.
    New Member
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    5/24/2014 4:53 PM
    Dave Seeley nailed the covers.. this guy.. They're just terrible.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/25/2014 6:17 PM
    With the amount of radiation they have been exposed to over the years they should all be bald by now !!

    Agree that these new covers are awful, Ryan is too young and almost scar free on his face, check out the cover of Pony Soldiers

    or Northstar Rising

    Two excellent covers with good old Mr H doing what he does best -and not a boot in sight?


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Basic Member
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    6/1/2014 7:49 PM
    If you look at the large version, there's something reddish running down the right side of his face (course, it could just be blood); he's also got something that *might* be a crease under his left eye. But... yeah. It's just bad. His boots are wrong, the bandolier is... WTF?, and his pistol is way too long.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/30/2014 7:10 PM
    Finally managed to find an excerpt of this one online(Google books). I really think we are in for another cracking book.
    Spoiler alert####################################################################### Please can the authors of this fine series stop killing lovely little penguins. ;-)
    Published Author
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    10/3/2014 2:51 PM
    Polecat Omega is the film "Happy Feet" only written by a psychopath. Oh, wait, that can't be right ...
    New Member
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    10/3/2014 6:31 PM
    Posted By AP on 10/3/2014 2:51 PM
    Polecat Omega is the film "Happy Feet" only written by a psychopath. Oh, wait, that can't be right ...

    Is that your alter-ego trying to win an autographed copy?


    Published Author
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    10/3/2014 8:50 PM
    Yeah. He thinks he's too sexy for his shirt. De-lusional. And dis-qualified. Ron, we've got to keep him off the site. If my other alters get wind of the contest they'll ruin it for everyone.
    Basic Member
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    10/4/2014 12:16 PM

    Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'>3az )3aziah</span> on 5/5/2014 12:36 PM
    Sounds like crater lake on ice !!!


    Great.... now I am imagining the companions doing chorus kicks in skates while Ryan and Kristy do a racy couples figure skating routine...thanks for that. Lmao
    New Member
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    11/4/2014 10:08 PM

    This is another winner! 

    This is the very first book that has author addressing the fact that gunfire is loud, and in a confined space it's VERY loud.   I found myself hoping he/she would've taken the next logical step and have the character stuff something into their ears to protect them.  We all have our pet peeves. 

    Anyway, this story had a lot of depth.  I like how the author brought the characters from place to place in and around the complex while creating unique challenges for them to overcome.  The descriptions were well organized, and most of all believable.  

    The author gets a style point for each the following:

    1. When J.B. squished the truck into the black suits against the wall.
    2. When our team figured out how to wear the bird coats, and then hang out with them while they were getting jiggy with it.
    3. When the characters fired up the ark spaceship, went back in time to kick some alien buttookski before returning and crashing the ship upside down while on fire.

    Well, maybe not the 3rd one, but it seems to me if he/she had 50 more pages they could have fitted it in.

    I don't get the virus thing.  It almost kills Ryan yet he recovers quickly and then...nothing.  The back story made it seem like the white coats had a winning killer bug so I was surprised that this just petered out.  

    Finally, the only out of character thing that stood out was when they used all 10# of C4 to obliterate the mat trans.  You just KNOW J.B. would've used only 5#, RRiiiiggggghhhhht?

    Basic Member
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    11/5/2014 10:19 AM
    They wanted it triple dead.
    Advanced Member
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    11/5/2014 4:44 PM

     Just finished it. You guys will love it I'm  guessing. As soon as we knew it was AP it was always going to be a winner.


    Ryan cawdor
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    11/22/2014 1:23 AM

    .good story and enjoyable action sequences.

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