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Last Post 8/3/2015 7:36 AM by  Archamedies
Deathlands 121 - End Day
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Ron Miles
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9/1/2014 11:21 AM

    This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands #121- End Day

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    Basic Member
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    9/1/2014 1:39 PM
    Wow! Finally a time travel story. I hope this is going to be a good book .


    Any idea on who the author is for this one ??

    Ron Miles
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    9/1/2014 2:28 PM
    I do know who the author is, but I do not have permission to make it public yet. You won't be disappointed.
    Advanced Member
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    9/1/2014 7:08 PM
    I'm guessing Chuck and I'd better be right.
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    9/1/2014 7:09 PM
    Posted By twinsrule26 on 9/1/2014 1:39 PM
    Wow! Finally a time travel story. I hope this is going to be a good book .
    This is going to kick ass and take names

    Post edited by Lokheed for formatting only
    Ron Miles
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    9/11/2014 5:18 PM
    I have clearance to reveal the name of the author for both End Day as well as this fall's Polestar Omega. I will be announcing it over the weekend, along with a contest to win an autographed copy of Polestar Omega. Stay tuned, details on Saturday.
    Advanced Member
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    1/22/2015 4:07 PM
    You can read the first few chapters on google books. I did and I liked it. A lot.
    Basic Member
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    1/27/2015 9:33 PM
    Isn't synchronicity weird....

    (post edited by Lokheed to make link live, and to add the image here)
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    3/12/2015 6:16 AM
    I'm halfway through this and it is by far one of the best post LJ books ever. I was blown away by this one from the outset, this one should have been saved for the final book.

    I seriously doubt any of the remaining books will even be in the same league as this one.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    3/13/2015 2:38 PM


    Thank  you for the kind words. Had I known when I wrote it that it would be my last ever DL I'm not sure that I could have done the same level of work. Thirty years in the GE saddle, on and off. 

    Oh well, time to move on.

    My very best wishes to you.


    New Member
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    3/13/2015 10:18 PM
    I'm about a third of the way through and it is intense. Really like the Snake references.
    WoT Vet07
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    3/16/2015 11:36 AM











    Excellent!  Another good read, comparable to Blood Red Tide.  I was hoping to get more substantial clues about the origin of Magus, but that might still come before the last page of Devil's Vortex?  Veronica Currant was an especially fascinating character, a danger junkie with very competent survival skills.  I found her internal pov and dialogue very amusing in regards to her initial impression of Ryan's group.  We also got the "For Dummies" explanation of the Multiverse Theory which left Ryan mentally struggling with the concept of Time Paradox.  J.B. was a trip, normally unflappable; the revelation that the group time traveled back to the eve of Armageddon hit him like a ton of bricks.  It's a shame Vee didn't opt to return to Deathlands with the Companions, after all, she was "made" by the authorities and is no doubt on the Top Ten Wanted List.  The best she could hope for in her universe is to quietly live out her life as a fugitive.  I got the impression after reading the epilogue that she was playing a hunch that her future wasn't necessarily the same world that Ryan's group came from.  She didn't strike me as suicidal, I think she was gambling that the multiple jumps made by Magus were going to play Hell with the original timeline from Ryan's universe.  And being utterly fearless, she wanted to find out personally if things changed enough to forestall the nuclear exchange. 

    Advanced Member
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    3/16/2015 3:05 PM
    Absolutely brilliant. This should have been the last book. Just a bloody shame that this is the last AP novel in the series. Imagine what COULD have happened to the series with AP and Chuck Rogers at the helm.
    It would have been cool if Vee had joined the gang.
    WoT Vet07
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    3/22/2015 5:38 PM










    It is interesting trying to imagine what Vee's Post 2001 universe is like, it must be more similar to our timeline then Ryan's (with differences).  I remember her saying it was the Democratic Presidential candidate that was elected after the ballot dispute in the 2000 election; so there would be a definite branch from our Timeline if "W" wasn't in office.  For those who want to jump my case, I want you to know that I voted for Bush in 2000, and 2004; so I'm not anti-anything.  Anyway, politics aside, it is very likely that 911 never happened in her universe given the fact that the multiple mass casualty attacks by Magus and the mini-nuke explosion caused by the curious Enforcer must have brought about an earlier focus on terrorism. This awareness would have led to the founding of the Homeland Security Department and forced the cooperation of America's intelligent agencies prior to the Sept  2001 incident in our timeline.

    I have a question for the author of END DAY, AP, if you're out there and reading this post?  How large was the explosion caused by the Enforcer?  And was it a true nuke or something like a Singularity releasing energy?  From reading that chapter it made the explosion radius seem like one small neighborhood, although McCreedy had to gun the Limo to the max for a minute and the resulting shockwave still almost wrecked the car.  It is obvious that the explosion didn't destroy a significant part of Manhattan because Vee's Greenwich Village neighborhood was still intact.

    Too bad Gold Eagle is folding, It would be neat to envision Vee having her own spin-off series.  She could be like a Sara Connor (Terminator) type character, trying to forestall a new Cold War by hacking into secret government files and posting the information on the underground Internet.  She could even break into Mildred's Cryogenics facility, thaw her out, and recruit an alternate reality Mildred to the Cause.   

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    3/26/2015 12:07 PM

    WoT Vet 07,

    Thanks for the comments about End Day. Glad you liked it.

    You're right about the explosion being smaller than an actual nuke.

    I also had the idea that Vee could have her own spin off series in the new reality. The editor at GE and I actually discussed that briefly before GE met its own End Day. She told me, "Make it so." Which is a little more complex now.



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    3/26/2015 1:07 PM
    P.S.: In the opening pages' back story to Pilgrimage to Hell the 43rd president to be was a Democrat. Lowder and James were guessing at the outcome of an election decades in the future. I was following canon.
    New Member
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    6/15/2015 4:03 PM
    *spoiler warning*

    *note* my rant is only based off the Graphic Audio format and i am aware that they are abridged versions of the novels but that said, i have several problems with this arc episode

    First off, I found the story in general lacking any real new content and the overall story plot solved nothing.

    When it came to Vee's character, everything she said and done was strictly a means to move the plot along whenever convenience was required. I found the character as nothing more then an information dump nearly to the point of Mary-Sue-isim

    Yes Megas was useing time travel to gather things but you would have to be triple stup to have not figured that out 30 or more books ago.

    I really have a problem with the fact that Magas from the future killed Megas from the past *only thing saveing it is alternate dimension mechanics*

    They chaced him down across time and dimension and the only thing it achived was to melt the portal device... IN THE PRESENT!

    And what the hell was this out of the blue competition between Doc and Ricky over someone they just met! It had absolutely no purpose in the story.

    Mildred should have been the one explaining about the past but said very little on it

    Doc didnt seem to act any differently to the fact that there was a stable wormhole to the past nor was he the one to realize the alternate universe paradox.

    They took what could have and should have been an important overall piece to this story arc puzzle and turned it into a filler episode with no moral or meaning.

    I was disappointed in this story
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/16/2015 4:08 PM
    I'm afraid old chap that you are seriously in the minority here with your views on this one. Can I ask how many or for how long you have been reading the series?

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    6/17/2015 4:20 PM

    I have not read any of the books but I have collected and listened to all the Graphic Audio books.

    As i stated, I know that these are abridged, but that doesn't excuse the short comings in this story.

    I knew I would be in the minority category when I wrote it but I wasn't about to sugar coat what I thought of it.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/19/2015 2:10 AM
    So which (audio) books are in your favorite list? I've not listened to any of the audio books but your comments make me feel as if this one has been cut to pieces if you think it is that poor a book. The actual book is fantastic and one of my all time favorite post LJ books.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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