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Last Post 7/8/2015 4:08 PM by  Randarchist
Local nonlocality notes and comments
 16 Replies
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Basic Member
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9/26/2014 12:43 AM
    So, as I write my fic, may as well use this for commentary and criticism. Go for it, I welcome advice and such.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    10/10/2014 7:18 PM
    Its good fella. Did you change it or am I going senile in my old age?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/10/2014 11:29 PM
    Yeah, writing and editing on an android is a bitch sometimes. :-D
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/21/2014 4:52 PM
    I know, right? Seven installments and only one short fight with a solitary giant scorpion? Yeah, next instalment, I promise.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/23/2014 7:16 PM
    So, who is gonna die first? Place your bets!
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/26/2014 10:47 AM
    Is it nuts to try writing a book via Android phone? Yes.
    But my thumbs are gonna have a six pack when I'm done.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/12/2014 10:58 PM
    Well, that makes 35 installments. I hope that some of y'all are enjoying the ride now that everything is hitting the fan. I still got a lot of people to chill and mutant weirdness to come, dark secrets to dig up and an evil plan that has yet to unfold from the true monster behind all of this bedlam. So, will the Motor Chief punch his own ticket for the last train to the coast? Will Klash figure out what his strange visions mean? Will the rescue party end up scorpion chow?

    I have no idea, seriously. I'm just riffing this whole story with only the most vague of outlines on paper. But, damn, my thumbs are getting buff.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/13/2014 10:17 PM
    Who is the mysterious robed man in the hood that the doomed Paso Park bikers call "the freak", and what is his agenda? Did anyone else survive the snatch bat invasion? Will Max get what's left of the rescue party to the ruins alive? Will Dawn Rodriguez get a chance to show off her new miniskirt if they do? Will Mouse and Harker just go home, get high on meth and clean up their trailer before firing up the Playstation?
    And hey, what's this stuff about iguana ranchers have to do with Ville Juarez anyway?
    Soon, amigos, there will be answers. And those answers will leave to more questions... It's a vicious circle.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/16/2014 1:27 PM
    Sorry about installment #40, I had to retype a whole huge middle section that I accidentally deleted but it's fixed now. Oops.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/22/2014 12:05 PM
    Sorry about the typos, trying to clean them up as I am going. Things are heating up now for Klash, his mom has been manipulating growing legend of Ryan Cawdor for her own secret agenda (not a smart move), Motor Chief Alvarez can't stop taking hits to save his life and Pico is being subjected to the experiments of the Freak. Could stuff get more messed up? Yes. Will they? Abso-freaking-lutely. Episode 50 is coming up soon, and Klash is going to lay down some rocket propelled goodness on these stickies for sure. Anyway, thanks to you cats who keep reading, I hope you are enjoying the serial instalments as much as I enjoy writing them.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/28/2014 11:46 AM
    Sorry that #56 got TBC'd so much, work schedule for holiday was in the way, but I wanted to keep it in one post for organization purposes. I am super grateful for y'all that are reading and hope it's a fun ride for you too.
    Thanks for reading. Cheers.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    12/9/2014 8:28 PM
    Well, if y'all are going to keep reading this story then I will keep writing. I've already got a sequel partly planned out. Thanks for reading the serial, and I will have a new episode up as soon as possible.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    12/31/2014 6:16 AM
    Sorry, been sick as a dog and haven't been up to writing.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    1/22/2015 7:39 PM
    Again, apologies for the delays -some health related issues still. Anyway, here we are going into the last leg of the story: the bad guy is ready to make his big move, and his motive is at last revealed (to Doctor Hammond anyway), Klash is on the verge of uncovering the mystery of "Fort" Geronimo and Hark Danby is on the cusp of becoming a decent human being.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/1/2015 3:51 PM
    Okay, completed that entry. Now the secrets are coming out into the light, Juarez is in for a horrible turn of the worm as the Catatumbo Collective prepares their trap. But how will Klash and Max deal with the revelation that they've uncovered? We're almost at the end, but we have more dark secrets to reveal, more action and adventure coming up soon. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy the ride.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/16/2015 10:45 AM
    Sorry for the delay, in the middle of Mardi Gras season here and lots going on. Going to try to get another piece of this written and posted tonight.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/8/2015 4:08 PM
    Had to take a break from this for a while, unfortunately I am having some health issues, had to stop working regular basis. Working on my art and design stuuf to try to get some kind of income going. That hasn't gone as well as hoped, but gonna keep writing on this serial because I enjoy the world. Anyway, thanks for reading.
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