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Last Post 2/26/2015 5:21 PM by  bbz120
Deathlands books for sale
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2/7/2015 4:28 PM

    Hello to All.      I am in the process of moving to a smaller house.  Unfortunately for me, this means my set of Deathlands books must go.  All books are in good to very good condition.  I have books 0 thru 100. 

     I live in central WV.  I will ship media mail to the continental U.S. states (mainland 48).  Costs of books will be $350.00 plus media mail shipping (roughly $25. to $30 dollars).  Payment is to be made through PayPal.   Books will also be available for sale on Ebay soon.  Check out commercial sites like Amazon and you will find their prices much higher than mine.  My loss is your gain, you all know the value of these books as well as I do. 


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    2/26/2015 5:21 PM


    From bbz120, These books are now for sale on Ebay. Search for:   LOT OF 101 James Axler, DEATHLANDS Books,SCI-FI Post Apocalyptic   Item number is   171691583518  

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