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Last Post 1/15/2017 6:23 PM by  silentalbino
Cover artwork for Chuck Rogers' latest book Heroes Road
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

3/1/2015 9:08 AM

    Although best known for his stellar work on the Bolan side of the Gold Eagle fence, Chuck Rogers has left a lasting impression in the Deathlands universe with his three entries into the series. Coming in April, Chuck is launching a brand new series called Heroes Road. I was fortunate enough to read early copies of the first three volumes, and can heartily recommend them. Watch here for more information in the near future, but in the meantime here is a sneak peak at the cover for the first book:

    Heroes Road I
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    3/12/2015 3:05 AM
    Will this be about swords and witchcraft ? or just Swords and travel . Either way I'll look at it but I hoped to get just a little info ahead of the release. Thank in advance .
    Ron Miles
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    3/12/2015 1:47 PM
    There is magic, and magical creatures, but it is very much set in a reality-based pre-Renaissance Europe. Lots of action, lots of intrigue.
    New Member
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    3/14/2015 8:27 PM
    Consider me very, VERY intrigued.
    Published Author
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    11/9/2016 6:09 PM

    There is swords, sex, sorcery, sandals, and a great deal of travel!

    Published Author
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    11/9/2016 6:10 PM

    And it is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback!


    Advanced Member
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    1/15/2017 6:23 PM
    When's the next one out chuck.
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