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Last Post 1/9/2019 3:29 PM by  medic15al
Deathlands LIVES !!! GA Graphic Audio
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9/1/2016 12:35 PM

    I was greatly saddened to hear the demise of James Axler's Deathlands series last year - a great loss

    But and this is a big BUT - GraphicAudio's All-New Deathlands is BACK WITH A VENGEANCE ! ->

    No published book but an excellent enhancement to the series, keeping it alive for our continued enjoyment, Deathlands # 126: Survival In Doubt ->


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/5/2016 4:32 PM
    Welcome aboard, it's good to see a friendly new face around here.
    I'm not one for audio books as they take to long to "read" I can clear an average paperback in around 3 hours so listening to someone talk at a snail's pace is torture -even with atmospheric effects.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    11/12/2016 6:46 AM
    What you don't understand is that the graphic audios are more like a movie n words than a standard audio book.

    I have now listened to both 126 and 127 in the graphic audio and I can absolutely say without a doubt that these last two are some of the most amazing depictions of the Deathlands series in all of them

    All of the graphic audios have always been done with voice actors narrations and background sounds and effects

    But now that graphic audio is freed from the book style narrative they have been able to write and record two of the best stories in all of the series

    I am very serious when I tell you that you need to get a graphic audio account and buy Deathlands 126 and 127.

    If you love the Deathlands series you will definitely love these last two. They are well worth the time money and patience it takes to listen to them
    New Member
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    6/23/2017 11:05 AM
    Does anyone know who is writing the new Graphic Audio stories?
    Did they get some of the novel writers, or do they have their own writers on staff for the new ones?
    I've always liked knowing who wrote which books.
    New Member
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    11/12/2017 5:34 AM
    I think the guy from Graphic Audio, Richard Rohan, who does Ryan's voice and also directed the episodes, is writing the new series.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    11/13/2017 9:48 AM
    Posted By Archamedies on 11/12/2016 6:46 AM
    What you don't understand is that the graphic audios are more like a movie n words than a standard audio book.

    I have now listened to both 126 and 127 in the graphic audio and I can absolutely say without a doubt that these last two are some of the most amazing depictions of the Deathlands series in all of them

    All of the graphic audios have always been done with voice actors narrations and background sounds and effects

    But now that graphic audio is freed from the book style narrative they have been able to write and record two of the best stories in all of the series

    I am very serious when I tell you that you need to get a graphic audio account and buy Deathlands 126 and 127.

    If you love the Deathlands series you will definitely love these last two. They are well worth the time money and patience it takes to listen to them

    Even if I was interested in picking these up, I cant as GA stuff is not available for download outside of the US for some BS reason or other. I guess I could find "pirate" copies of them but thats not the ideal way of doing it at all!


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    New Member
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    11/21/2017 8:45 AM
    I'm interested in giving these a try. Sounds more like "radio plays" in the old BBC style than "audiobooks", which I think is a really cool idea. But again, I'm in Canada and that creates a problem with purchasing these.
    New Member
    New Member

    1/9/2019 3:29 PM
    I dearly miss Deathlands, my problem is Im legally deaf and voices from an electronic device is not clear like as if I was listening in person. I have to use captioning and subtitles to UNDERSTAND, but I can hear effects and the voice.
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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.