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Last Post 5/15/2009 9:16 PM by  Ron Miles
Deathlands 83 - Thunder Road
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

11/1/2008 8:32 AM

    This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands #83 - Thunder Road

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    5/14/2009 7:05 PM
    Seriously, no one has commeneted on this book?!?!    I am shocked, as I have just finished reading it and felt an overwhelming urge to post about it.  At first I wasn't too sure about this book, the idea of a lunatic with unlimited weaponry had its promises but the begining seemed to drag on n on with no real destination.  But as I know  from other DL books, they seem to always have a way to pull through slow starts, I carried on.  Half way through the book I had suddenly grown to like the characters Sid and Hammil and couldn't wait to see what happened next.  By the end, which is a whirl wind of non stop action and destruction, I didn't want the book to end.  I also liked how it would quickly switch from Howard commanding an action to the gang outside facing that action almost immediatly, no slow build up in between.  What book did the Tech-Nomads appear in first, would like to read about how they came to meet up with Krysty.  All in all this is a great book.. now its time to go back and read Hellbenders and Seperation, hopefully by the end of those Edens Twilight will be on the shelf!!!!
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    5/15/2009 8:01 AM
    I liked Thunder Road too. The Andy Boot efforts are hit or miss but this one was a little off beat and that's what I liked about it. The ending seemed a bit slap-dash but any major complaint would be nit-picking. I was very entertained by it and I liked the idea of  a character who wasn't truly evil, just crazy as a bed bug.
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    5/15/2009 9:16 PM
    Posted By dean_cawdor1977 on 14 May 2009 07:05 PM
    Seriously, no one has commeneted on this book?!?!   
     What book did the Tech-Nomads appear in first, would like to read about how they came to meet up with Krysty.  

    Actually there was quite a bit of discussion on this book when it came out, just not in this thread.  I don't think people really noticed that I created these threads for each book until just recently.  People really liked it, and justifiably so.

    The book the tech nomads first appeared in was Vengeance Trail by Vic Milan, and that is an excellent book as well.  I know a lot of the OL fans bear ill will towards Milan because of his entries in that series, but his DL work has been consistently strong.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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