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Last Post 1/9/2009 3:33 PM by  )3az )3aziah
cannibal moon
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1/9/2009 2:19 PM

    ok so wow cannibal moon is crazy great if you havint yet injoyed it i sugest you go out and find it qwick over look of it is as fallows mildred is forst to eat the oozzy infected brains of a canny and the only way to cure her 1 way tickit to a horribal end eather consisting of death or turning in to a flesh eater her self is to make a long trip across death lands to find the canny qween and drink her blood well ill leave you there and trust me it is worth it well i hope to hear from you all good by for now

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    Veteran Member

    1/9/2009 3:33 PM

    Welcome aboard.

    I must say though your spelling and grammar are both AWFUL, do you not have a shift key or punctuation keys on your keyboard ?

    Perhaps you might like to edit the post, correct the spelling and grammar mistakes, this will make you post easier to read and make you look less like a troll.



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