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Last Post 10/15/2009 3:47 PM by  gumble
Deathlands 87 - Desolation Crossing
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Ron Miles
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8/24/2009 5:01 PM
Sure thing.

BTW - I just fixed the spelling for you, and added a space between Vengeance and (Leonidas) so that the name formats better. Hope you don't mind.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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8/24/2009 5:04 PM
Posted By One Eyed Vengance(Leonidas) on 24 Aug 2009 04:32 PM IMO you all owe Scourge a big apology as I happen to know from my own weapons expertise that there is no way in hell he is a phony.

Anybody with Google or a subscription to Guns and Ammo could have the same "expertise". 

Heck, if I was so inclined I could demonstrate as much "expertise".

I'm not convinced, but I sure would apologize if he can prove otherwise...and if he is real he'll know an easy way to do it.

I can admit when I'm wrong!  For example...I once said that Trader's 9mm Armalite was a figment of Laurence James' imagination...nope, I was WRONG!  They exist, my BAD!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/24/2009 5:08 PM

You know what Mike,why can't you stop your little wise ass attacks on me?I am not claiming to be a true expert or a soldier or anything else.You might need to google your gun info but mine comes from 28 yrs of experience using them!!!What am I supposed to prove to you?What sort of proof do you require?

BTW Mike,you just proved you know shite abour firearms,Trader's 9MM Armalite has never existed.You might have meant to say this but your post has it exactly the opposite.Why do you not simply cease addressing me as I really do not like you and I have friends here that I am more interested in speaking to.This is the second time in a month that you have craweld out from your litte rock and taken shots at me totally unprovoked!

Thanks a million Ron.Like I said I feel 100% better.I really enjoy this site and was sad at the prospect of leaving it.

I appreciate the name change too.Is it possible that you might at least say to this DL rogue guy that if he does not like guns then that is fine,but calling us names and insulting us is off limits?If not no problem.I just don't see anyone picking on him and like Andy said we have been here awhile(despite what Jim thinks)and this guy has only made a few posts and rather than make one that is constructive or discussing something that we might all enjoy he is taking shots at me and Scourge instead.

Thank's again Ron.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/24/2009 5:16 PM
Darn it and to think my popcorn popper is broken....
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8/24/2009 5:31 PM
Lol! First, I don't see your name anywhere in any of my posts!

Second, I don't think you need to prove anything to me! You've all ready done that as far as I'm concerned.'s the 9mm M16 in action...

And the wiki article...

Yes, manufactured by Colt but based on the Armalite platform.

Yeah, I'm wrong.

But you are right on one thing, I have no more desire to commune with you as you do with me.

I still would like to hear from "Scourge" though because I'm sure he feels the same way about Ranger posers as I do...if he's real.

I'm sure he wouldn't think much of violators of the Stolen Valor Act either.
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/24/2009 5:47 PM

Yeah you have definitley proved something to me Mike too.You are a grade a jackass and a troublemaker for taking shots at Scourge and me totally unprovoked.What I have proved to you time and time again is that I have forgotten more than you probably will ever know about firearms.Considering I think some jealousy or other gay motive is what is causing you to go out of your way to pick fights on a site that is supposed to be "fan friendly".You are right.the Dea use the colt 9mm but is it not called an M16,it is called the Colt 635!It is built w/the same design as the M16 though.It is not a carbine or a rifle either Mike.It IS A SUBMACHINE GUN!!!!!!!
It is not an Armalite(those were made in 5.56MM and in 7.62MM)Trader's Armalite was a "rifle",not a subgun so it could not have been in 9MM.LJ even said that in Trader Redux it was originaly a larger rd but had been "rechambered" to accept the 9MM rd!
I am amazed at how evertime you try to prove me wrong you show how much less you know about guns than me.LOL.
BTW.Deal if you are serious about never speaking again.ThanksYou!!!!!WE have a deal!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/24/2009 6:06 PM
Posted By Deathlands rogue on 24 Aug 2009 03:21 PM 
 the writing in these books is much better than what I've seen in the deathlands books.
I dont thing its the same writer a sthe style and pace is so different?
sorry to rant on here but its my first real post and ive got so much to say.

Most people who aren't partisan do agree that the writing in Outlanders is on average much better than in DL.

Part of that is because since 1996 DL has been produced by a revolving door system of writers so there was very little book to book continuity, consistency, quality, character or plot development.

On the other hand Outlanders has been written for over a decade and up until the last year or so pretty much by the series creator, Mark Ellis, so he had more control over the content. There were some fill-in books by other writers but only a couple are worth reading IMHO.

James Axler is a pen-name--Mark has written more books as Axler than any other writer. Check out Ron's The Books section here and it will tell you who wrote what book in both series and you can read reviews too.
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8/24/2009 6:13 PM
LOL!  Geez, I was saying I was wrong...OK I guess I'll go back to saying the Armalite 9mm was imaginary.
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

8/24/2009 6:35 PM
[Several posts deleted because for being needlessly hostile and argumentative. Seriously guys, chill. Please.]
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/24/2009 6:39 PM
Ok Ron.I am sorry.I am done.I will not take anymore crap from the others so they need to call a ceasfire same as me,fair enough?
BTW the Armalite 9MM is very imaginary.There is a colt 635 submachine gun that is based on the M16 design.The Armalite Rifle that trader carries is not a subgun,it is a RIFLE!So it fires either 5,56MM or 7.62MM.
Please do not take this as an insult.Just stating facts.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/25/2009 7:08 AM
Posted By Raboy on 24 Aug 2009 06:06 PM

James Axler is a pen-name--Mark has written more books as Axler than any other writer. 

He has also written and created a ton of other things, too--from Doc Savage to the uber-cool Death Hawk.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/25/2009 7:44 AM

Mark is a great writer no doubt.Daniel?hmm.....something familiar?I get it!You are the gentleman who took a shot at a good friend of mine saying "AOEC types well for a 2 yr. old"
If I am wrong then I will apologize but it seems you Outlanders guy's have a fanataical devotion to Mark Ellis and an intense DeathLands fan hatred?
If I am wrong pls politely tell me?

Larunce James was the best DL writer IMO and I am pretty sure he wrote the most in the DL series?
Also I do not even remotley care for Mr.Ellis Outlanders series.It is perhaps a bit personal,But I just am not into the very Stargate kind of sci-Fi.I prefer the gritty Gun oriented post apocalyptic DL style is all.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Bury The Sun
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8/25/2009 7:55 AM
I'm trying not to be the morality police here, but could you guys please take the Outlanders talk back to the OL forum? I don't want a fight and am not looking for one, but I don't come over there and talk about Ryan and the Companions or whether or not howlers are actually man made mutants... I just don't want another unnecessary flame war started on this thread! Please don't take this the wrong way, as it is not intended to be.

"Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/25/2009 8:14 AM

Good point Andy.

I wish you could have read the posts that Raboy and Mikesclr wrote here before Ron deleted them.LOL!

Lets say they were not to nice to me.hahaAnd this other guy Liew 32 sent me an IM telling me what an arrogant bastage I am too.LOL!!!

So please guy's for the sake of peace stick to your little side of the site and discuss what is cooler the mat trans or the interphaser (fascinating stuff)and us DL men will chat about things like Guns/storylines/Ryan and his crew,etc..

If that is acceptable.I mean Andy and I are not coming over there and dropping little subtle shots at Outlanders now are we?

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/25/2009 11:04 AM

There are more DL books not written by Laurence James than there are written by him. Mark has written more books as James Axler than any other writer. 

Intense Deathlands fan hatred?

Intense hatred of stupidty maybe. After being a member of for nearly ten years, I've seen how often the two coincide.

For somebody who keeps on apologizing and insisting he doesn't want conflict, you  sure go out of your way to start it.

When you and Bury the Sun are members here longer you'll know that dicussions go where they go, regardless of the forum.

Deathlands Rogue brought up Outlanders in this thread and how he thinks it's better written than Deathlands.

A couple of people responded to that.

You  had the option of NOT responding to it.

And since you did, you've engaged in the discussion and kept it going.

That's your choice.

More than likley you'll respond  in an over-the-top aggressive way to this response and more than likely Ron will delete it.

And more than likely, you'll just put yourself closer to the cornfield...just like your "good friend"  AOEC.

One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/25/2009 11:26 AM

Ok Daniel(I am refraiming from calling you a more colorful name)

You and yours are the ones going out of their way to start trouble,not me.I simply will not ever back down from you and your elietist pals!I never said you hated DL fans.just the book.If you are gonna quote me get it right pls?

I am not apologozing to you or any of your Outlanders buddies.Hell maybe I will stop over there and start making some posts that you fellas would prefer stayed in DL since you say you guy's are not in the wrong.

For your info "sir" AOEC is nowhere near the Cornfield as you might think.And your little threat about me being banned ain't gonna happen pal.I advise you to never threaten me again BTW.I do not like being threatened my friend. (gee,that "CornField" is just such a cool thing to say,you should seriously consider quitting your day jobfor a carreer in comedy)
So "Daniel" whas my response so "Over the Top and Aggressive" that Ron will delete it?I think not.
BTW,Why is it you guy's have to  play the "I am Gonna Sick Ron On You" card whenever you start a dispute but don't get the other guy to backdown as easy as you were hoping?I can fight my own battles.
Truth to be told,you just spouted of your BS to me and my friend Andy(who really said nothing out of line) So know I have said my piece.
Pls just go away.The grownups would like to get back to discussing the books and not arguing with the children ok?

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/25/2009 12:13 PM
We play the "lets sick ron on you" game because you are out of control as evidenced by the rude profanity laced response to my advice I gave you last night.  I bet you don't have the guts to use that language out here in the open board do you?  And before you deny that you sent any sort of profanity laced PM to me, Ron was notified and he has access to all the PM's here as he is the owner of the site.

You say you dont respond well to threats yet you throw them about like candy.  Case in point,  look in the your above response.  You said "I advise you to never threaten me again"

That in itself is a threat albeit without the the nerve to say what the consequences would be. 

quite simply, you are confused and seriously conflicted as evidenced by the contradictory content of your posts.  Daniel mentioned it, I mentioned it in my PM and you just did it again in your previous post.  go actually read what you post in these "I'm only defending myself" posts.   stop with the "im sorry i wont attack again....SCREW YOU" type of posting and your problems will go away.  You are simply making a fool of yourself and making yourself look bad.
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/25/2009 12:21 PM

Well ok sir.I do admit I used alot of profanity to you and nerve has nothing to do with me not posting it here.That is called common sense.

I would have to say I am not "out of control" for responding to harassment from you .You may not have used any profanity,but you did call me a few choice names and insult me severely.What do you expect,that I am going to bend over and take it?
There is nothing contradictory about my posts and I sure as hell am not confused or conflicted.So I will say it in plain Englishso you get me ok?
You and your pals hurled the first stone ok?I even tried to get this thread back to talking about DL and you and your busddies seem way more interested in harassing me.
You my "friend are the one making a fool of yourself for sending me that unwanted and extremely rude letter.
I have no fear of you or anyone else here ok pal.I was not threatening your buddy,but I did make it quite clear that I do not like being threatened.
That is not a threat.It is a true statement.
Now for the last time.Drop this,you and your cronies need to back off.I am only posting anything derogatory because I keep getting hit first and you know it.I do not and will not back down so if you think You can speak to me like this and I will acceot it you are seriously missing your guess.
Why can you and the select few that seem to enjoy badgering me just simply stop?Or do you have to have the last word,is that is?
I actually have friends here.I am far more interested in them than continuing this little war of words.
So I am not saying I am sorry.I am not saying "screw You" as you say.
I am simply imploring you and some others to just stop.Enough is enough.
And remember this,had you not fired the first shot at me(someone who has never addressed you BTW)in IM by proceeding to lecture me and call me names as well as insult me,you would not have gotten my response witch I freely admit had more than a few 4 letter expletives.
Have a nice day and I hope It sinks in that you guys could end this by ceasing your attacks on me.

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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8/25/2009 12:40 PM
yeah why are there OL discussions in here? this is a DL discussion....take it back over there please... and anyone saying OEV and Scourge are the same guy is just a moron...Scourge is not here saying stuff because he is out there defending us and our way of life...if you question that..well....then you don't deserve his sacrafice for you...
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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8/25/2009 12:46 PM

Geez thats funny dan,cause according to this guy and Raboy no one likes me and I am totally out of control too?

Thank you for the support Dan and Andy.The FNG DL rogue guy say's that me an Scourge are the same guy.LOL!And this guy here say's I am "an Arrogant trouble maker acting like a bull in a china shop"(I of course did not need or want his demeaning advive)And he say's that he is shocked that I answered him the way I did.What do you expect to get when you send a total stranger a letter that contains insults and condescending "Advice" that you in no way want or need?LOL!

"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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