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Last Post 4/2/2009 2:34 PM by  skullspliter
My First Post--Howdy!
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3/30/2009 10:51 PM
    Howdy, boardsters! I'm Victor and this is my first post on this forum.

    I am a big Deathlands fan. The first book that I got a hold of a couple of years ago was the second book. I didn't have anything to read and found this book among some paperbacks of my mom's. After that book, I was hooked. After that, I went on ebay to buy the books that I didn't have. My first attempt was from a Canadian seller who offered nearly the complete set of DL books for just under $400 including postage. He had 100% positive feedback so I made the purchase using paypal. I ended up getting scammed (first and only time on ebay) and seller never sent the books and wouldn't respond to my inquiries. Paypal dispute got me $200 back but I was still out nearly $200. But I didn't let this discourage me. I then slowly accumulated the rest through either ebay or I've been getting the continuing books from amazon.
    I liked it better when I had dozens of the books and could read one right after the other. That was very cool! It kind of sux having to wait the 4 months for a new edition. I find myself jonsing for DL after so long.
    I haven't read any of the Outlander books yet even though I have probably 25 or so of them. I keep misplacing the first volume so when I'm in the mood to start reading them, I never have the first book to read first! I bought another one but it is packed somewhere since we moved since I bought it. Bummer!
    I was a little disappointed at the ending of "Dark Resurrection Book II" because they introduced (huge spoiler redacted by moderator). I think that this cheapens the series. Mutants wouldn't have been feasible apart from genetic engineering so stickies and some of the mutant plants are maybe plausible but not (huge spoiler redacted by moderator), in my opinion. It was like the TV show "Sliders". It was a great show until the SciFi network picked it up and introduced the (huge spoiler redacted by moderator). Oh well, just my POV.
    I think what attracts me to the series more than anything, apart from the adventure and great characters is the idea of a redoubt and what they may find. Of course, not the robotic kind of find. Massive stockpiles like that is intriguing to me.
    I kind of enjoyed the movie, too. I think that Traci Lords nailed Kristy's character! Ryan's actor portrayed him fairly well, too. Dix's character was only so-so but at least it wasn't butchered like Jacks! His character in the movie sucked, especially compared to the real character. He is one bad a$$!
    Interesting that the story has toyed the reader with he idea that he really may be a mutant. That cat pal he had was very cool, too, until it started preaching zen in one of the books. :þ
    Another thing! Where the heck is Ryan's boy?! How many issues has it been since the mom tricked abducted him? Lots! And this last book is basically the first time he has even been mentioned since the book after he disappeared. When is he coming back?!
    Well, that's all I've got to say about that.
    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    I'm 43 and I have a beautiful Chinese wife who makes me happy. I'm also hooked on coin collecting. I've been working on a complete type set of US Coins. Here's a link below if anyone is interested. Nice chit-chatting with you all.


    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    3/30/2009 10:57 PM
    Welcome to the site! I made a few minor edits to your post, only because Dark Resurrection is still a fairly new book and I didn't want the ending to be spoiled for folks who haven't read it yet.

    Thanks for posting, I hope to see more of you here!
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    3/31/2009 12:11 AM
    Hello Everyone!

    Like you Victor I found my first DL book by accident. My husband was at work late one night, and I saw it sitting on the shelf. So I picked it up, crawled into a hot bath with it, and I was hooked as well.

    After that I scoured old smelly used book stores looking for every single book I could find. Not to say, that there isn't anything wrong with buying them online, it's just more exciting to me go and look for them, touch them, pour through piles of old books to find exactly what I am looking for. I have now managed to collect the first 50 or so books. I have also purchased a few brand new as well.
    It has been a long time since I have read a DL book, but now that I am back in Civilization I can go out to the stores and buy them.

    I look forward to chattering and bantering with you all
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    3/31/2009 3:20 AM
    I had a friend of mine give me a very much dog eared copy of the first book that he had found in his truck when he was driving over the road. He read it and liked it and thought i would too.
    Boy was he ever right, I scoured every used bookstore around me for years to get the ones i didnt have and couldnt wait til the next one was published. I am proud to say i have a couple of every book up to date except for the latest 2 and i also have every Outlanders book up to the current one out.

    On a side note: I too am wondering what happened to Ryans son Dean, no mention of him since he disappeared - When is he coming back ?
    New Member
    New Member

    4/2/2009 2:34 PM
    Welcome Victor and Car both your story's sound like mine found my first book in a buddy's garage it was the third one.  which book so far is your favorite and i don't know when  dean is coming back been a couple books now.
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