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Last Post 12/28/2014 6:03 PM by  WarZ
Deathlands #89 - Alpha Wave
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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10/7/2009 6:23 PM
I'm some 120 pages into this and enjoying it so far, its one of the better DL books I've read for a while now and reads (to me) a lot like an old time DL.

A few silly typo errors have given me a laugh ( he looked for a Mildred !!) but other than that I have no serious complaints.

A good first book from Ric so far.
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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7/26/2010 2:34 PM
Meh, I kinda hate to ask a stupid question, but does Krytsty die in this book? Or Does she recover?
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

7/26/2010 3:04 PM
No lead character has died in the series in several years. I am thinking Michael Brother was the last, seventy or eighty books ago, but my memory may be faulty.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
J.B. Dix
New Member
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7/26/2010 3:44 PM
No, Krysty was only in the ill state she was in because of the towers and her sencitivity to the towers and what the towers were used for.
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7/26/2010 4:42 PM
Understood, thank you.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/26/2010 5:03 PM
Posted By Tsavo on 26 Jul 2010 04:42 PM
Understood, thank you.

Would it not have been more fun to have read the book and found out for yourself?
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
J.B. Dix
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New Member

7/26/2010 5:18 PM
And sorry for stating towers 3 times in one sentance. But yes, having us spoil it for you take the fun out of reading the book. Besides ryan gets more messed up than Krysty does, and youll know what i mean when you read the book.
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7/27/2010 12:04 AM
Usually I would agree, but I would have dirven myself crazy wondering about it first *chuckles* I have one of those minds that once it has a question, it wont stop until it has an answer.
J.B. Dix
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7/27/2010 2:06 PM
Well I usualy read the last chapter and wonder how they get there.
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7/29/2010 5:25 PM
Oh I always read the book all the way through, most of the time I just let the book answer my questions, but every once in a while I just get a question nagging at the back of my mind, it doesn't happen often, but.. *shrugs*
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12/28/2014 6:03 PM

I found this book hard to read.  Mainly because character behavior and characterizations were just sooo poor.  So out of character.  I stopped and took breaks at numerous points in the book, shaking my head and saying...WTF.  Thats something I dont normally do.

 I saw that there was a new author to this book and its very apparent he had read very little deathlands before writing this book. 

 As a deathlands story it wasnt horrible.  Some good elements.  But the characters ... just wow.

 To my horror looking at the author list, this author writes more books.  Please tell me he learns more about the characters, and his future works are in line with the characters ?  Otherwise I might have to consider skipping some.  Again something I havent done yet.


Edit:  Also I'm not sure what the policy is regarding old threads on this forums.  I posted in this one as it was the relevant thread, however if reviving old threads is frowned upon let me know.

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