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Last Post 4/13/2009 3:28 PM by  Jax2
Who among you have....
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4/5/2009 5:56 PM
    ...actually read the entire series in order besides me? I think that initially it is the best way to proceed as Ron mentioned in another post. However, in the latter books, it doesn't seem to be as relevant since they are stories complete to themselves. I think the exception to this would be the 36th book which was set in Trader's heyday.
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    4/8/2009 1:50 PM
    Not yet still working on it and at the same time getting all the books
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    4/9/2009 9:18 AM
    I have every book and have read them all in order from #1 through now..i also have every earthblood and OL books - all too in order...
    New Member
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    4/9/2009 3:07 PM
    I've just started on #1, if that counts
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    4/13/2009 11:29 AM
    I've read all the DL books in the order they got published from one onwards. I've had to wait on each and every new book after finishing the last.

    Boy does that make me sound and feel old
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    4/13/2009 11:53 AM
    Posted By )3az
    I've read all the DL books in the order they got published from one onwards. I've had to wait on each and every new book after finishing the last.

    BB, that is most terrible! :þ I much prefer to have the f/u book on hand.

    I put off reading 3 new "CASCA" (#26-28) books by Tony Roberts until now since I was reading the DL series when I ordered them off the press. The suspense between printings and forgetfulness really makes the wait a drag.

    On a side note, it surprised me to find out that the new Casca books have only averaged about 500 printings per issue. Barry Sadler's original 22 books have quite a cult following. I have learned that the average book only prints c. 5,000. 7500 is considered pretty good. Anyone know the average printings per book for the Deathlands series?


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    4/13/2009 12:32 PM
    Posted By EZ-E on 13 Apr 2009 11:53 AM

    Anyone know the average printings per book for the Deathlands series?


    EZ-E (vic),
    That has always been Top Secret at GE. I was told that releasing that info was grounds for immediate firing. But that could have been b.s.--much of what I was told over the years turned out to be stinky.  

    GE used to give its authors royalty statements (they paid a token "royalty" to writers for hire). That stopped in 1996. I posted my last-ever royalty statement on in Issue #5 of the newsletter, the Biz Buzz section. It's a click-to-view the statement. It gives you an idea of what kind of numbers used to be in play for GE books.

    I kind of opened the door in that newsletter, hoping some of the other GE authors would offer more current information if they had it.  But no one did. They probably don't know any more than I do.

    One other thing, GE's book club used to represent a nice chunk of sales (at a higher rate per book because they are being retailed, not wholesaled through distributors). Way back when, the club had 25K members.  Don't know what the membership is now.  More Top Secret.
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    4/13/2009 1:05 PM
    Thanks for the reply, Alan. I appreciate the info. Let's hope that you don't get a midnight call by any GE goons! :þ I see that you've written Stony Man novels as well. I'm impressed! I imagine that it is tough to switch mindsets between genres.

    I'm learning about the amount of BS and lack of appreciation that you guys must endure. I hear that 9 out of 10 pulp fiction authors are crazy. The only reason the 10th is not is because he's new. haha.. j/k Apparently, the Daniel D. character had to have been inspired by real life. :þ

    p.s. Any idea where the original cover art goes? Do any reach market?

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    4/13/2009 1:36 PM
    I used to know the "average" printing of DL and since I'm probably the only (and probably last) GE writer who still receives royalty statements twice a year, I can extrapolate.

    I'd judge that the average print run for DL and OL is between 15 and 20K, but I'm averaging on the high end.

    The royalty statements for OL are two years behind the current date, so the print runs could have dropped considerably. I seriously doubt they've increased.

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    4/13/2009 1:37 PM
    Posted By EZ-E on 13 Apr 2009 01:05 PM

    p.s. Any idea where the original cover art goes? Do any reach market?

    No idea about the art. Best way to find out is to Google the artist's name and try to contact him or her directly. As far as I know, the paintings still belong to the artists and they are free to sell them as they see fit.

    When I was in GE's good graces they sent me two full-sized wall posters of my DL books: Cannibal Moon and Apocalypse Unborn.  Don't know if they were made up special (probably not), or part of promotion. They look pretty cool framed on my wall. GE doesn't sell posters of their book covers. Which is a shame.
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    4/13/2009 2:09 PM
    Posted By Jax2 on 13 Apr 2009 01:36 PM
    I'd judge that the average print run for DL and OL is between 15 and 20K, but I'm averaging on the high end.

    That is truly abysmal.    But eye-opening.

    Best of luck on the new project.

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    4/13/2009 3:28 PM

    Mike Herring used to sell his GE cover art...he went through an agency...I don't what the story is now that he's moved to Australia.

    As for the print runs....with the lack of any kind of real promotion I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the print runs are now half of what I stated. When they cancelled Room 59, so abruptly that should be an indiication.

    I'll receive a royalty statement at the first of next month...I'll take a look and see if there's been a substantial drop-off, even though the numbers will be for books that were published in 2007.

    Actually it's projectS, plural. I finally nailed down the final details on another graphic novel project...that'll be the next "major" thing we're focusing on.  Very excited about it.

    I don't see a way to post images, but here's a link to a short Youtube clip that'll give you idea of what it be and who it be about.

    Hope things keep on the upswing with Slaughter Realms.


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